Source code for expertsystem.amplitude.canonicaldecay

from collections import OrderedDict

from ..topology.graph import (

from ..state.particle import (

from .helicitydecay import (

[docs]def generate_clebsch_gordan_string(graph, node_id): node_props = graph.node_props[node_id] L = get_interaction_property(node_props, InteractionQuantumNumberNames.L) S = get_interaction_property(node_props, InteractionQuantumNumberNames.S) return "_L_" + str(L.magnitude()) + "_S_" + str(S.magnitude())
[docs]class CanonicalAmplitudeNameGenerator(HelicityAmplitudeNameGenerator): """ Generates names for canonical partial decays using the properties of the decay. """ def __init__(self, use_parity_conservation=False): super().__init__(use_parity_conservation) def _generate_amplitude_coefficient_names(self, graph, node_id): (in_hel_info, out_hel_info) = self._retrieve_helicity_info( graph, node_id ) par_name_suffix = ( generate_particles_string(in_hel_info, False) + "_to_" + generate_particles_string(out_hel_info, False) ) pp_par_name_suffix = ( generate_particles_string(in_hel_info, False) + "_to_" + generate_particles_string( out_hel_info, use_helicity=False, make_parity_partner=True ) ) cg_suffix = generate_clebsch_gordan_string(graph, node_id) return (par_name_suffix + cg_suffix, pp_par_name_suffix + cg_suffix)
[docs] def generate_unique_amplitude_name(self, graph, node_id=None): name = "" if isinstance(node_id, int): nodelist = [node_id] else: nodelist = graph.nodes for node_id in nodelist: name += ( super().generate_unique_amplitude_name(graph, node_id)[:-1] + generate_clebsch_gordan_string(graph, node_id) + ";" ) return name
[docs]class CanonicalAmplitudeGenerator(HelicityAmplitudeGenerator): """ This class defines a full amplitude in the canonical formalism, using the helicity formalism as a foundation. The key here is that we take the full helicity intensity as a template, and just exchange the helicity amplitudes F as a sum of canonical amplitudes a: F^J_lambda1,lambda2 = sum_LS { norm * a^J_LS * CG * CG } Here CG stands for Clebsch-Gordan factor. """ def __init__( self, top_node_no_dynamics=True, name_generator=CanonicalAmplitudeNameGenerator(None), ): super().__init__(top_node_no_dynamics, name_generator=name_generator) def _clebsch_gordan_decorator(decay_generate_function): """ Decorator method which adds two clebsch gordan coefficients based on the translation of helicity amplitudes to canonical ones. """ def wrapper(self, graph, node_id): spin = StateQuantumNumberNames.Spin partial_decay_dict = decay_generate_function(self, graph, node_id) node_props = graph.node_props[node_id] L = get_interaction_property( node_props, InteractionQuantumNumberNames.L ) S = get_interaction_property( node_props, InteractionQuantumNumberNames.S ) in_edge_ids = get_edges_ingoing_to_node(graph, node_id) parent_spin = get_particle_property( graph.edge_props[in_edge_ids[0]], spin ) daughter_spins = [] for out_edge_id in get_edges_outgoing_to_node(graph, node_id): daughter_spins.append( get_particle_property(graph.edge_props[out_edge_id], spin) ) decay_particle_lambda = ( daughter_spins[0].projection() - daughter_spins[1].projection() ) cg_ls = OrderedDict() cg_ls["Type"] = "LS" cg_ls["@j1"] = L.magnitude() if L.projection() != 0.0: raise ValueError( "Projection of L is non-zero!: " + str(L.projection()) ) cg_ls["@m1"] = L.projection() cg_ls["@j2"] = S.magnitude() cg_ls["@m2"] = decay_particle_lambda cg_ls["J"] = parent_spin.magnitude() cg_ls["M"] = decay_particle_lambda cg_ss = OrderedDict() cg_ss["Type"] = "s2s3" cg_ss["@j1"] = daughter_spins[0].magnitude() cg_ss["@m1"] = daughter_spins[0].projection() cg_ss["@j2"] = daughter_spins[1].magnitude() cg_ss["@m2"] = -daughter_spins[1].projection() cg_ss["J"] = S.magnitude() cg_ss["M"] = decay_particle_lambda cg_dict = { "CanonicalSum": { "L": int(L.magnitude()), "S": S.magnitude(), "ClebschGordan": [cg_ls, cg_ss], } } partial_decay_dict.update(cg_dict) return partial_decay_dict return wrapper
[docs] @_clebsch_gordan_decorator def generate_partial_decay(self, graph, node_id): return super().generate_partial_decay(graph, node_id)