Source code for expertsystem.amplitude.helicitydecay

from collections import OrderedDict
import json
import logging
from copy import deepcopy

from typing import (

import xmltodict

import yaml

from . import _yaml_adapter
from .abstractgenerator import (

from ..topology.graph import (
from ..state import particle
from ..state.particle import (

[docs]def group_graphs_same_initial_and_final(graphs): """ Each graph corresponds to a specific state transition amplitude. This function groups together graphs, which have the same initial and final state (including spin). This is needed to determine the coherency of the individual amplitude parts. Args: graphs ([:class:`.StateTransitionGraph`]) Returns: graph groups ([[:class:`.StateTransitionGraph`]]) """ graph_groups = dict() for graph in graphs: ise = get_final_state_edges(graph) fse = get_initial_state_edges(graph) ifsg = ( tuple(sorted([json.dumps(graph.edge_props[x]) for x in ise])), tuple(sorted([json.dumps(graph.edge_props[x]) for x in fse])), ) if ifsg not in graph_groups: graph_groups[ifsg] = [] graph_groups[ifsg].append(graph) graph_group_list = [graph_groups[x] for x in graph_groups.keys()] return graph_group_list
[docs]def get_graph_group_unique_label(graph_group): label = "" if graph_group: ise = get_initial_state_edges(graph_group[0]) fse = get_final_state_edges(graph_group[0]) is_names = _get_name_hel_list(graph_group[0], ise) fs_names = _get_name_hel_list(graph_group[0], fse) label += ( generate_particles_string(is_names) + "_to_" + generate_particles_string(fs_names) ) return label
[docs]def get_helicity_from_edge_props(edge_props): qns_label = type_label = spin_label = proj_label = for qn in edge_props[qns_label]: if qn[type_label] == spin_label: return qn[proj_label] logging.error(edge_props[qns_label]) raise ValueError("Could not find spin projection quantum number!")
[docs]def determine_attached_final_state_string(graph, edge_id): edge_ids = determine_attached_final_state(graph, edge_id) fs_string = "" for eid in edge_ids: fs_string += " " + str(eid) return fs_string[1:]
[docs]def determine_attached_final_state(graph, edge_id): """ Determines all final state particles of a graph, which are attached downward (forward in time) for a given edge (resembling the root) Args: graph (:class:`.StateTransitionGraph`) edge_id (int): id of the edge, which is taken as the root Returns: list of final state edge ids ([int]) """ final_state_edge_ids = [] all_final_state_edges = get_final_state_edges(graph) current_edges = [edge_id] while current_edges: temp_current_edges = current_edges current_edges = [] for curr_edge in temp_current_edges: if curr_edge in all_final_state_edges: final_state_edge_ids.append(curr_edge) else: node_id = graph.edges[curr_edge].ending_node_id current_edges.extend( get_edges_outgoing_to_node(graph, node_id) ) return final_state_edge_ids
[docs]def get_recoil_edge(graph, edge_id): """ Determines the id of the recoil edge for the specified edge of a graph. Args: graph (:class:`.StateTransitionGraph`) edge_id (int): id of the edge, for which the recoil partner is determined Returns: recoil edge id (int) """ node_id = graph.edges[edge_id].originating_node_id if node_id is None: return None outgoing_edges = get_edges_outgoing_to_node(graph, node_id) outgoing_edges.remove(edge_id) if len(outgoing_edges) != 1: raise ValueError( "The node with id " + str(node_id) + " has more than 2 outgoing edges \n" + str(graph) ) return outgoing_edges[0]
[docs]def get_parent_recoil_edge(graph, edge_id): """ Determines the id of the recoil edge of the parent edge for the specified edge of a graph. Args: graph (:class:`.StateTransitionGraph`) edge_id (int): id of the edge, for which the parents recoil partner is determined Returns: parent recoil edge id (int) """ node_id = graph.edges[edge_id].originating_node_id if node_id is None: return None ingoing_edges = get_edges_ingoing_to_node(graph, node_id) if len(ingoing_edges) != 1: raise ValueError( "The node with id " + str(node_id) + " does not have a single ingoing edge!\n" + str(graph) ) return get_recoil_edge(graph, ingoing_edges[0])
[docs]def get_prefactor(graph): """ calculates the product of all prefactors defined in this graph as a double """ prefactor_label = InteractionQuantumNumberNames.ParityPrefactor prefactor = None for node_id in graph.nodes: if node_id in graph.node_props: temp_prefactor = get_interaction_property( graph.node_props[node_id], prefactor_label ) if temp_prefactor is not None: if prefactor is None: prefactor = temp_prefactor else: prefactor *= temp_prefactor else: prefactor = None break return prefactor
[docs]def generate_kinematics(graphs): tempdict = { # <PhspVolume>0.541493</PhspVolume> "InitialState": {"Particle": []}, "FinalState": {"Particle": []}, } is_edge_ids = get_initial_state_edges(graphs[0]) counter = 0 for x in is_edge_ids: tempdict["InitialState"]["Particle"].append( { "Name": graphs[0].edge_props[x]["Name"], "Id": x, "PositionIndex": counter, } ) counter += 1 fs_edge_ids = get_final_state_edges(graphs[0]) counter = 0 for x in fs_edge_ids: tempdict["FinalState"]["Particle"].append( { "Name": graphs[0].edge_props[x]["Name"], "Id": x, "PositionIndex": counter, } ) counter += 1 return {"HelicityKinematics": tempdict}
[docs]def generate_particle_list(graphs): # create particle entries temp_particle_names = [] particles = [] for g in graphs: for edge_props in g.edge_props.values(): new_edge_props = remove_spin_projection(edge_props) par_name = new_edge_props[] if par_name not in temp_particle_names: particles.append(new_edge_props) temp_particle_names.append(par_name) return {"ParticleList": {"Particle": particles}}
[docs]def remove_spin_projection(edge_props): qns_label = type_label = spin_label = proj_label = new_edge_props = deepcopy(edge_props) for qn_entry in new_edge_props[qns_label]: if StateQuantumNumberNames[qn_entry[type_label]] is spin_label: del qn_entry[proj_label] break return new_edge_props
[docs]def generate_particles_string( name_hel_list, use_helicity=True, make_parity_partner=False ): string = "" for name, hel in name_hel_list: string += name if use_helicity: if make_parity_partner: string += "_" + str(-1 * hel) else: string += "_" + str(hel) string += "+" return string[:-1]
def _get_name_hel_list(graph, edge_ids): name_label = name_hel_list = [] for i in edge_ids: temp_hel = float(get_helicity_from_edge_props(graph.edge_props[i])) # remove .0 if temp_hel % 1 == 0: temp_hel = int(temp_hel) name_hel_list.append((graph.edge_props[i][name_label], temp_hel)) return name_hel_list
[docs]class HelicityAmplitudeNameGenerator(AbstractAmplitudeNameGenerator): def __init__(self, use_parity_conservation=False): self.partial_amp_coefficient_infos = set() self.use_parity_conservation = use_parity_conservation # automatically determine parity conservation settings if self.use_parity_conservation is None: self.use_parity_conservation = True logging.debug( "Using parity conservation to connect fit " "parameters together with prefactors." )
[docs] def generate_amplitude_coefficient_infos(self, graph): """ Generates coefficient info for a sequential amplitude graph. Generally, each partial amplitude of a sequential amplitude graph should check itself if it or a parity partner is already defined. If so a coupled coefficient is introduced. """ seq_par_suffix = "" use_prefactor = False # loop over decay nodes in time order for node_id in graph.nodes: ( coeff_suffix, pp_coeff_suffix, ) = self._generate_amplitude_coefficient_names(graph, node_id) if coeff_suffix in self.partial_amp_coefficient_infos: seq_par_suffix += coeff_suffix + ";" else: if ( self.use_parity_conservation and pp_coeff_suffix in self.partial_amp_coefficient_infos ): seq_par_suffix += pp_coeff_suffix + ";" use_prefactor = True else: seq_par_suffix += coeff_suffix + ";" self.partial_amp_coefficient_infos.add(coeff_suffix) par_label = amplitude_coefficient_infos = { par_label: [ { "Class": "Double", "Type": "Magnitude", "Name": "Magnitude_" + seq_par_suffix, "Value": 1.0, "Fix": False, }, { "Class": "Double", "Type": "Phase", "Name": "Phase_" + seq_par_suffix, "Value": 0.0, "Fix": False, }, ] } # add potential prefactor if self.use_parity_conservation and use_prefactor: prefactor = get_prefactor(graph) if prefactor != 1.0 and prefactor is not None: prefactor_label = amplitude_coefficient_infos[prefactor_label] = { "Real": prefactor } return amplitude_coefficient_infos
[docs] def generate_unique_amplitude_name(self, graph, node_id=None): """ Generates a unique name for the amplitude corresponding to the given :py:class:`StateTransitionGraph`. If ``node_id`` is given, it generates a unique name for the partial amplitude corresponding to the interaction node of the given :py:class:`StateTransitionGraph`. """ name = "" if isinstance(node_id, int): nodelist = [node_id] else: nodelist = graph.nodes for node_id in nodelist: (in_hel_info, out_hel_info) = self._retrieve_helicity_info( graph, node_id ) name += ( generate_particles_string(in_hel_info) + "_to_" + generate_particles_string(out_hel_info) + ";" ) return name
def _retrieve_helicity_info(self, graph, node_id): # get ending node of the edge # then make name for in_edges = get_edges_ingoing_to_node(graph, node_id) out_edges = get_edges_outgoing_to_node(graph, node_id) in_names_hel_list = _get_name_hel_list(graph, in_edges) out_names_hel_list = _get_name_hel_list(graph, out_edges) return (in_names_hel_list, out_names_hel_list) def _generate_amplitude_coefficient_names(self, graph, node_id): """ Generates partial amplitude coefficient name suffixes. """ (in_hel_info, out_hel_info) = self._retrieve_helicity_info( graph, node_id ) par_name_suffix = ( generate_particles_string(in_hel_info, False) + "_to_" + generate_particles_string(out_hel_info) ) pp_par_name_suffix = ( generate_particles_string(in_hel_info, False) + "_to_" + generate_particles_string(out_hel_info, make_parity_partner=True) ) return (par_name_suffix, pp_par_name_suffix)
[docs]class HelicityAmplitudeGenerator(AbstractAmplitudeGenerator): def __init__( self, top_node_no_dynamics=True, name_generator=HelicityAmplitudeNameGenerator(None), ): self.particle_list = {} self.helicity_amplitudes = {} self.kinematics = {} self.top_node_no_dynamics = top_node_no_dynamics self.name_generator = name_generator self.fit_parameter_names = set()
[docs] def generate(self, graphs): if len(graphs) <= 0: raise ValueError( "Number of solution graphs is not larger than zero!" ) decay_info = { "nonResonant"} decay_info_label = for g in graphs: if self.top_node_no_dynamics: init_edges = get_initial_state_edges(g) if len(init_edges) > 1: raise ValueError( "Only a single initial state particle allowed" ) eprops = g.edge_props[init_edges[0]] eprops[decay_info_label] = decay_info self.particle_list = generate_particle_list(graphs) self.kinematics = generate_kinematics(graphs) graph_groups = group_graphs_same_initial_and_final(graphs) logging.debug("There are " + str(len(graph_groups)) + " graph groups") self.fix_parameters_unambiguously() self.generate_amplitude_info(graph_groups)
[docs] def fix_parameters_unambiguously(self): """ Fix parameters, so that the total amplitude is unambiguous, with regard to the fit parameters. In other words: all fit parameters per graph, except one, will all be fixed. It's fine if they are all already fixed. """ pass
[docs] def generate_amplitude_info(self, graph_groups): class_label = name_label = component_label = type_label = parameter_label = # for each graph group we create a coherent amplitude coherent_intensites = [] for graph_group in graph_groups: seq_partial_decays = [] for graph in graph_group: seq_partial_decays.append( self.generate_sequential_decay(graph) ) # in each coherent amplitude we create a product of partial decays coherent_amp_name = "coherent_" + get_graph_group_unique_label( graph_group ) coherent_intensites.append( { class_label: "CoherentIntensity", component_label: coherent_amp_name, "Amplitude": seq_partial_decays, } ) # now wrap it with an incoherent intensity incoherent_amp_name = "incoherent" if len(coherent_intensites) > 1: coherent_intensites_dict = { class_label: "IncoherentIntensity", "Intensity": coherent_intensites, } else: coherent_intensites_dict = coherent_intensites[0] self.helicity_amplitudes = { "Intensity": { class_label: "StrengthIntensity", component_label: incoherent_amp_name + "_with_strength", parameter_label: { class_label: "Double", type_label: "Strength", name_label: "strength_" + incoherent_amp_name, "Value": 1, "Fix": True, }, "Intensity": { class_label: "NormalizedIntensity", "Intensity": coherent_intensites_dict, }, } }
[docs] def generate_sequential_decay(self, graph): class_label = name_label = component_label = spin_label = StateQuantumNumberNames.Spin decay_info_label = type_label = partial_decays = [] for node_id in graph.nodes: # in case a scalar without dynamics decays into daughters with no # net helicity, the partial amplitude can be dropped # (it is just a constant) in_edges = get_edges_ingoing_to_node(graph, node_id) out_edges = get_edges_outgoing_to_node(graph, node_id) # check mother particle is spin 0 in_spin = get_particle_property( graph.edge_props[in_edges[0]], spin_label ) out_spins = [ get_particle_property(graph.edge_props[x], spin_label) for x in out_edges ] if ( in_spin is not None and None not in out_spins and in_spin.magnitude() == 0 ): if ( abs(out_spins[0].projection() - out_spins[1].projection()) == 0.0 ): # check if dynamics is non-resonant (constant) if ( "NonResonant" == graph.edge_props[in_edges[0]][decay_info_label][ type_label ] ): continue partial_decays.append(self.generate_partial_decay(graph, node_id)) gen = self.name_generator amp_name = gen.generate_unique_amplitude_name(graph) amp_coeff_infos = gen.generate_amplitude_coefficient_infos(graph) sequential_amplitude_dict = { class_label: "SequentialAmplitude", "Amplitude": partial_decays, } par_label = coefficient_amplitude_dict = { class_label: "CoefficientAmplitude", component_label: amp_name, par_label: amp_coeff_infos[par_label], "Amplitude": sequential_amplitude_dict, } prefactor_label = if prefactor_label in amp_coeff_infos: coefficient_amplitude_dict.update( {prefactor_label: amp_coeff_infos[prefactor_label]} ) self.fit_parameter_names.add(amp_coeff_infos[par_label][0][name_label]) self.fit_parameter_names.add(amp_coeff_infos[par_label][1][name_label]) return coefficient_amplitude_dict
[docs] def generate_partial_decay(self, graph, node_id): class_label = name_label = decay_products = [] for out_edge_id in get_edges_outgoing_to_node(graph, node_id): decay_products.append( { name_label: graph.edge_props[out_edge_id][name_label], "FinalState": determine_attached_final_state_string( graph, out_edge_id ), "Helicity": get_helicity_from_edge_props( graph.edge_props[out_edge_id] ), } ) in_edge_ids = get_edges_ingoing_to_node(graph, node_id) if len(in_edge_ids) != 1: raise ValueError("This node does not represent a two body decay!") dec_part = graph.edge_props[in_edge_ids[0]] recoil_edge_id = get_recoil_edge(graph, in_edge_ids[0]) parent_recoil_edge_id = get_parent_recoil_edge(graph, in_edge_ids[0]) recoil_system_dict = {} if recoil_edge_id is not None: tempdict = { "RecoilFinalState": determine_attached_final_state_string( graph, recoil_edge_id ) } if parent_recoil_edge_id is not None: tempdict.update( { "ParentRecoilFinalState": determine_attached_final_state_string( graph, parent_recoil_edge_id ) } ) recoil_system_dict["RecoilSystem"] = tempdict partial_decay_dict = { class_label: "HelicityDecay", "DecayParticle": { name_label: dec_part[name_label], "Helicity": get_helicity_from_edge_props(dec_part), }, "DecayProducts": {"Particle": decay_products}, } partial_decay_dict.update(recoil_system_dict) return partial_decay_dict
[docs] def get_fit_parameters(self): "Number of parameters:" + str(len(self.fit_parameter_names)) ) return self.fit_parameter_names
[docs] def write_to_file(self, filename: str) -> None: file_extension = filename.lower().split(".")[-1] recipe_dict = self._create_recipe_dict() if file_extension in ["xml"]: self._write_recipe_to_xml(recipe_dict, filename) elif file_extension in ["yaml", "yml"]: self._write_recipe_to_yml(recipe_dict, filename) else: raise NotImplementedError( f'Cannot write to file type "{file_extension}"' )
def _create_recipe_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: recipe_dict = self.particle_list recipe_dict.update(self.kinematics) recipe_dict.update(self.helicity_amplitudes) return recipe_dict @staticmethod def _write_recipe_to_xml( recipe_dict: Dict[str, Any], filename: str ) -> None: with open(filename, mode="w") as xmlfile: # xmltodict only allows a single xml root xmlstring = xmltodict.unparse( OrderedDict({"root": recipe_dict}), pretty=True ) # before writing it to file we remove the root tag again xmlstring = xmlstring.replace("<root>", "", 1) xmlstring = xmlstring[:-10] + xmlstring[-10:].replace( "</root>", "", 1 ) xmlfile.write(xmlstring) @staticmethod def _write_recipe_to_yml( recipe_dict: Dict[str, Any], filename: str ) -> None: particle_dict = _yaml_adapter.to_particle_dict(recipe_dict) parameter_list = _yaml_adapter.to_parameter_list(recipe_dict) kinematics = _yaml_adapter.to_kinematics_dict(recipe_dict) dynamics = _yaml_adapter.to_dynamics(recipe_dict) intensity = _yaml_adapter.to_intensity(recipe_dict) class IncreasedIndent(yaml.Dumper): def increase_indent(self, flow=False, indentless=False): # type: ignore return super(IncreasedIndent, self).increase_indent( flow, False ) def write_line_break(self, data=None): # type: ignore """See""" super().write_line_break(data) if len(self.indents) == 1: super().write_line_break() with open(filename, "w") as output_file: output_dict = { "Kinematics": kinematics, "Parameters": parameter_list, "Intensity": intensity, "ParticleList": particle_dict, "Dynamics": dynamics, } yaml.dump( output_dict, output_file, sort_keys=False, Dumper=IncreasedIndent, default_flow_style=False, )