Source code for expertsystem.state.particle

This module defines a particle as a collection of quantum numbers and
things related to this
import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
from enum import Enum
from itertools import permutations
from json import loads, dumps

from numpy import arange

import xmltodict

import yaml

from ..topology.graph import (

LABELS = Enum(

[docs]class Spin: """ Simple struct-like class defining spin as a magnitude plus the projection """ def __init__(self, mag, proj): self.__magnitude = float(mag) self.__projection = float(proj) # remove negative zero projections -0.0 if self.__projection == -0.0: self.__projection += 0 if self.__magnitude < abs(self.__projection): raise ValueError( "The spin projection cannot be larger than the" " magnitude " + self.__str__() )
[docs] def magnitude(self): return self.__magnitude
[docs] def projection(self): return self.__projection
def __str__(self): return ( "(mag: " + str(self.__magnitude) + ", proj: " + str(self.__projection) + ")" ) def __repr__(self): return ( "(mag: " + str(self.__magnitude) + ", proj: " + str(self.__projection) + ")" )
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """ define the equal operator for the spin class, which is needed for equality checks of states in certain rules """ if isinstance(other, Spin): return ( self.__magnitude == other.magnitude() and self.__projection == other.projection() ) else: return NotImplemented
def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self))
[docs]def create_spin_domain(list_of_magnitudes, set_projection_zero=False): domain_list = [] for mag in list_of_magnitudes: if set_projection_zero: domain_list.append(Spin(mag, 0.0)) else: for proj in arange(-mag, mag + 1, 1.0): domain_list.append(Spin(mag, proj)) return domain_list
QuantumNumberClasses = Enum("QuantumNumberClasses", ["Int", "Float", "Spin"]) """Definition of quantum number names for states.""" StateQuantumNumberNames = Enum( "StateQuantumNumberNames", [ "BaryonNumber", "Bottomness", "Charge", "Charm", "Cparity", "ElectronLN", "Gparity", "IsoSpin", "MuonLN", "Parity", "Spin", "Strangeness", "TauLN", "Topness", ], ) """definition of properties names of particles""" ParticlePropertyNames = Enum("ParticlePropertyNames", ["Pid", "Mass"]) """definition of decay properties names of particles""" ParticleDecayPropertyNames = Enum("ParticleDecayPropertyNames", ["Width"]) """definition of quantum number names for interaction nodes""" InteractionQuantumNumberNames = Enum( "InteractionQuantumNumberNames", ["L", "S", "ParityPrefactor",] ) QNDefaultValues = { StateQuantumNumberNames.Charge: 0, StateQuantumNumberNames.IsoSpin: Spin(0.0, 0.0), StateQuantumNumberNames.Strangeness: 0, StateQuantumNumberNames.Charm: 0, StateQuantumNumberNames.Bottomness: 0, StateQuantumNumberNames.Topness: 0, StateQuantumNumberNames.BaryonNumber: 0, StateQuantumNumberNames.ElectronLN: 0, StateQuantumNumberNames.MuonLN: 0, StateQuantumNumberNames.TauLN: 0, } QNNameClassMapping = { StateQuantumNumberNames.Charge: QuantumNumberClasses.Int, StateQuantumNumberNames.ElectronLN: QuantumNumberClasses.Int, StateQuantumNumberNames.MuonLN: QuantumNumberClasses.Int, StateQuantumNumberNames.TauLN: QuantumNumberClasses.Int, StateQuantumNumberNames.BaryonNumber: QuantumNumberClasses.Int, StateQuantumNumberNames.Spin: QuantumNumberClasses.Spin, StateQuantumNumberNames.Parity: QuantumNumberClasses.Int, StateQuantumNumberNames.Cparity: QuantumNumberClasses.Int, StateQuantumNumberNames.Gparity: QuantumNumberClasses.Int, StateQuantumNumberNames.IsoSpin: QuantumNumberClasses.Spin, StateQuantumNumberNames.Strangeness: QuantumNumberClasses.Int, StateQuantumNumberNames.Charm: QuantumNumberClasses.Int, StateQuantumNumberNames.Bottomness: QuantumNumberClasses.Int, StateQuantumNumberNames.Topness: QuantumNumberClasses.Int, InteractionQuantumNumberNames.L: QuantumNumberClasses.Spin, InteractionQuantumNumberNames.S: QuantumNumberClasses.Spin, InteractionQuantumNumberNames.ParityPrefactor: QuantumNumberClasses.Int, ParticlePropertyNames.Pid: QuantumNumberClasses.Int, ParticlePropertyNames.Mass: QuantumNumberClasses.Float, ParticleDecayPropertyNames.Width: QuantumNumberClasses.Float, }
[docs]class AbstractQNConverter(ABC):
[docs] @abstractmethod def parse_from_dict(self, data_dict): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def convert_to_dict(self, qn_type, qn_value): pass
[docs]class IntQNConverter(AbstractQNConverter): value_label = type_label = class_label =
[docs] def parse_from_dict(self, data_dict): return int(data_dict[self.value_label])
[docs] def convert_to_dict(self, qn_type, qn_value): return { self.type_label:, self.class_label:, self.value_label: str(qn_value), }
[docs]class FloatQNConverter(AbstractQNConverter): value_label = type_label = class_label =
[docs] def parse_from_dict(self, data_dict): return float(data_dict[self.value_label])
[docs] def convert_to_dict(self, qn_type, qn_value): return { self.type_label:, self.class_label:, self.value_label: str(qn_value), }
[docs]class SpinQNConverter(AbstractQNConverter): type_label = class_label = value_label = proj_label = def __init__(self, parse_projection=True): self.parse_projection = parse_projection
[docs] def parse_from_dict(self, data_dict): mag = data_dict[self.value_label] proj = 0.0 if self.parse_projection: if self.proj_label not in data_dict: if float(mag) != 0.0: raise ValueError( "No projection set for spin-like quantum number!" ) else: proj = data_dict[self.proj_label] return Spin(mag, proj)
[docs] def convert_to_dict(self, qn_type, qn_value): return { self.type_label:, self.class_label:, self.value_label: str(qn_value.magnitude()), self.proj_label: str(qn_value.projection()), }
QNClassConverterMapping = { QuantumNumberClasses.Int: IntQNConverter(), QuantumNumberClasses.Float: FloatQNConverter(), QuantumNumberClasses.Spin: SpinQNConverter(), }
[docs]def is_boson(qn_dict): spin_label = StateQuantumNumberNames.Spin return abs(qn_dict[spin_label].magnitude() % 1) < 0.01
particle_list = dict()
[docs]def load_particle_list_from_xml(file_path: str) -> None: """ Add entries to the ``particle_list`` from definitions in an XML file. By default, the expert system loads the ``particle_list`` from the XML file ``particle_list.xml`` located in the ComPWA module. Use `.load_particle_list_from_xml` to append to the ``particle_list``. .. note:: If a particle name in the loaded XML file already exists in the ``particle_list``, the one in the ``particle_list`` will be overwritten. """ def to_dict(input_ordered_dict: OrderedDict) -> dict: """Convert nested `OrderedDict` to a nested `dict`.""" return loads(dumps(input_ordered_dict)) name_label = with open(file_path, "rb") as xmlfile: full_dict = xmltodict.parse(xmlfile) for particle_definition in full_dict["ParticleList"]["Particle"]: particle_name = particle_definition[name_label] particle_list[particle_name] = to_dict(particle_definition)
[docs]def write_particle_list_to_xml(file_path: str) -> None: """Write ``particle_list`` instance to XML file.""" entries = list(particle_list.values()) particle_dict = {"ParticleList": {"Particle": entries}} with open(file_path, "w") as output_file: output_file.write( xmltodict.unparse(particle_dict, full_document=False, pretty=True) )
[docs]def load_particle_list_from_yaml(file_path: str) -> None: """ Use `.load_particle_list_from_yaml` to append to the ``particle_list`` from a YAML file. .. note:: If a particle name in the YAML file already exists in the ``particle_list`` instance, the one in ``particle_list`` will be overwritten. """ name_label = with open(file_path, "rb") as input_file: full_dict = yaml.load(input_file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) for particle_definition in full_dict["ParticleList"]: particle_name = particle_definition[name_label] particle_list[particle_name] = particle_definition
[docs]def write_particle_list_to_yaml(file_path: str) -> None: """Write ``particle_list`` instance to a YAML file.""" entries = list(particle_list.values()) particle_dict = {"ParticleList": entries} with open(file_path, "w") as output_file: yaml.dump(particle_dict, output_file)
[docs]def add_to_particle_list(particle): """ Add a particle dictionary object to the ``particle_list`` dictionary. The key will be extracted from the ``particle`` name (XML tag ``@Name``). If the key already exists, the entry in ``particle_list`` will be overwritten by this one. """ if not isinstance(particle, dict): logging.warning("Can only add dictionary entries to particle_list") return particle_name = particle[] particle_list[particle_name] = particle
[docs]def get_particle_with_name(particle_name): """ .. deprecated:: 0.2.0 ``particle_list`` has become a dictionary, so you can already access its entries with a string index. """ return particle_list[particle_name]
[docs]def get_particle_copy_by_name(particle_name): """ Get a `~copy.deepcopy` of a particle from the ``particle_list`` dictionary so you can manipulate it and add it to the particle data base. """ return deepcopy(particle_list[particle_name])
[docs]def get_particle_property(particle_properties, qn_name, converter=None): qns_label = type_label = value_label = found_prop = None if isinstance(qn_name, StateQuantumNumberNames): particle_qns = particle_properties[qns_label] for x in particle_qns: if x[type_label] == found_prop = x break else: for key, val in particle_properties.items(): if key == found_prop = {value_label: val} break if key == "Parameter" and val[type_label] == # parameters have a separate value tag tagname = found_prop = {value_label: val[tagname]} break if key == for decinfo_key, decinfo_val in val.items(): if decinfo_key == found_prop = {value_label: decinfo_val} break if decinfo_key == "Parameter": if not isinstance(decinfo_val, list): decinfo_val = [decinfo_val] for parval in decinfo_val: if parval[type_label] == # parameters have a separate value tag tagname = found_prop = {value_label: parval[tagname]} break if found_prop: break if found_prop: break # check for default value property_value = None if found_prop is not None: if converter is None: converter = QNClassConverterMapping[QNNameClassMapping[qn_name]] property_value = converter.parse_from_dict(found_prop) else: if qn_name in QNDefaultValues: property_value = QNDefaultValues[qn_name] return property_value
[docs]def get_interaction_property(interaction_properties, qn_name, converter=None): qns_label = type_label = found_prop = None if isinstance(qn_name, InteractionQuantumNumberNames): interaction_qns = interaction_properties[qns_label] for x in interaction_qns: if x[type_label] == found_prop = x break # check for default value property_value = None if found_prop is not None: if converter is None: converter = QNClassConverterMapping[QNNameClassMapping[qn_name]] property_value = converter.parse_from_dict(found_prop) else: if qn_name in QNDefaultValues: property_value = QNDefaultValues[qn_name] else: logging.warning( "Requested quantum number " + str(qn_name) + " was not found in the interaction properties." + "\nAlso no default setting for this quantum " + "number is available. Perhaps you are using the" + " wrong formalism?" ) return property_value
[docs]class CompareGraphElementPropertiesFunctor: def __init__(self, ignored_qn_list=[]): self.ignored_qn_list = [ for x in ignored_qn_list if isinstance( x, (StateQuantumNumberNames, InteractionQuantumNumberNames) ) ]
[docs] def compare_qn_numbers(self, qns1, qns2): new_qns1 = {} new_qns2 = {} type_label = for x in qns1: if x[type_label] not in self.ignored_qn_list: temp_qn_dict = dict(x) type_name = temp_qn_dict[type_label] del temp_qn_dict[type_label] new_qns1[type_name] = temp_qn_dict for x in qns2: if x[type_label] not in self.ignored_qn_list: temp_qn_dict = dict(x) type_name = temp_qn_dict[type_label] del temp_qn_dict[type_label] new_qns2[type_name] = temp_qn_dict return loads( dumps(new_qns1, sort_keys=True), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict ) == loads( dumps(new_qns2, sort_keys=True), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict )
[docs] def __call__(self, props1, props2): # for more speed first compare the names (if they exist) name_label = names1 = { k: v[name_label] for k, v in props1.items() if name_label in v } names2 = { k: v[name_label] for k, v in props2.items() if name_label in v } if set(names1.keys()) != set(names2.keys()): return False for k in names1.keys(): if names1[k] != names2[k]: return False # then compare the qn lists (if they exist) qns_label = for ele_id, props in props1.items(): qns1 = [] qns2 = [] if qns_label in props: qns1 = props[qns_label] if ele_id in props2 and qns_label in props2[ele_id]: qns2 = props2[ele_id][qns_label] if not self.compare_qn_numbers(qns1, qns2): return False # if they are equal we have to make a deeper comparison copy_props1 = deepcopy(props1) copy_props2 = deepcopy(props2) # remove the qn dicts qns_label = for ele_id in props1.keys(): if qns_label in copy_props1[ele_id]: del copy_props1[ele_id][qns_label] if qns_label in copy_props2[ele_id]: del copy_props2[ele_id][qns_label] if loads( dumps(copy_props1, sort_keys=True), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict ) != loads( dumps(copy_props2, sort_keys=True), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict ): return False return True
[docs]def initialize_graph(graph, initial_state, final_state, final_state_groupings): is_edges = get_initial_state_edges(graph) if len(initial_state) != len(is_edges): raise ValueError( "The graph initial state and the supplied initial" "state are of different size! (" + str(len(is_edges)) + " != " + str(len(initial_state)) + ")" ) fs_edges = get_final_state_edges(graph) if len(final_state) != len(fs_edges): raise ValueError( "The graph final state and the supplied final" "state are of different size! (" + str(len(fs_edges)) + " != " + str(len(final_state)) + ")" ) # check if all initial and final state particles have spin projections set initial_state = [check_if_spin_projections_set(x) for x in initial_state] final_state = [check_if_spin_projections_set(x) for x in final_state] attached_is_edges = [ get_originating_initial_state_edges(graph, i) for i in graph.nodes ] is_edge_particle_pairs = calculate_combinatorics( is_edges, initial_state, attached_is_edges ) attached_fs_edges = [ get_originating_final_state_edges(graph, i) for i in graph.nodes ] fs_edge_particle_pairs = calculate_combinatorics( fs_edges, final_state, attached_fs_edges, final_state_groupings ) new_graphs = [] for is_pair in is_edge_particle_pairs: for fs_pair in fs_edge_particle_pairs: merged_dicts = is_pair.copy() merged_dicts.update(fs_pair) new_graphs.extend(initialize_edges(graph, merged_dicts)) return new_graphs
[docs]def check_if_spin_projections_set(state): spin_label = StateQuantumNumberNames.Spin mass_label = ParticlePropertyNames.Mass if isinstance(state, str): particle = get_particle_with_name(state) spin = get_particle_property( particle, spin_label, SpinQNConverter(False) ) if not isinstance(spin, Spin): raise ValueError( "Spin not defined for particle: \n" + str(particle) ) mag = spin.magnitude() spin_projs = arange(-mag, mag + 1, 1.0).tolist() mass = get_particle_property(particle, mass_label) if mass == 0.0: if 0.0 in spin_projs: del spin_projs[spin_projs.index(0.0)] state = (state, spin_projs) return state
[docs]def calculate_combinatorics( edges, state_particles, attached_external_edges_per_node, allowed_particle_groupings=[], ): combinatorics_list = [ dict(zip(edges, particles)) for particles in permutations(state_particles) ] # now initialize the attached external edge list with the particles comb_attached_ext_edges = [ initialize_external_edge_lists(attached_external_edges_per_node, x) for x in combinatorics_list ] # remove combinations with wrong particle groupings if allowed_particle_groupings: sorted_allowed_particle_groupings = [ sorted(sorted(x) for x in y) for y in allowed_particle_groupings ] combinations_to_remove = set() index_counter = 0 for attached_ext_edge_comb in comb_attached_ext_edges: found_valid_grouping = False for particle_grouping in sorted_allowed_particle_groupings: # check if this grouping is available in this graph valid_grouping = True for y in particle_grouping: found = False for ext_edge_group in attached_ext_edge_comb: if sorted([x[0] for x in ext_edge_group]) == y: found = True break if not found: valid_grouping = False break if valid_grouping: found_valid_grouping = True if not found_valid_grouping: combinations_to_remove.add(index_counter) index_counter += 1 for i in sorted(combinations_to_remove, reverse=True): del comb_attached_ext_edges[i] del combinatorics_list[i] # remove equal combinations combinations_to_remove = set() for i in range(len(comb_attached_ext_edges)): for j in range(i + 1, len(comb_attached_ext_edges)): if comb_attached_ext_edges[i] == comb_attached_ext_edges[j]: combinations_to_remove.add(i) break for comb_index in sorted(combinations_to_remove, reverse=True): del combinatorics_list[comb_index] return combinatorics_list
[docs]def initialize_external_edge_lists( attached_external_edges_per_node, edge_particle_mapping ): init_edge_lists = [] for edge_list in attached_external_edges_per_node: init_edge_lists.append( sorted([edge_particle_mapping[i] for i in edge_list]) ) return sorted(init_edge_lists)
[docs]def initialize_edges(graph, edge_particle_dict): for edge, particle in edge_particle_dict.items(): # lookup the particle in the list found_particle = get_particle_with_name(particle[0]) graph.edge_props[edge] = deepcopy(found_particle) # now add more quantum numbers given by user (spin_projection) new_graphs = [graph] for edge, particle in edge_particle_dict.items(): temp_graphs = new_graphs new_graphs = [] for g in temp_graphs: new_graphs.extend( populate_edge_with_spin_projections(g, edge, particle[1]) ) return new_graphs
[docs]def populate_edge_with_spin_projections(graph, edge_id, spin_projections): qns_label = type_label = class_label = type_value = StateQuantumNumberNames.Spin class_value = QNNameClassMapping[type_value] new_graphs = [] qn_list = graph.edge_props[edge_id][qns_label] index_list = [ qn_list.index(x) for x in qn_list if (type_label in x and class_label in x) and ( x[type_label] == and x[class_label] == ) ] if index_list: for spin_proj in spin_projections: graph_copy = deepcopy(graph) graph_copy.edge_props[edge_id][qns_label][index_list[0]][ ] = spin_proj new_graphs.append(graph_copy) return new_graphs
[docs]def initialize_graphs_with_particles(graphs, allowed_particle_list=[]): initialized_graphs = [] mod_allowed_particle_list = initialize_allowed_particle_list( allowed_particle_list ) for graph in graphs: logging.debug("initializing graph...") intermediate_edges = get_intermediate_state_edges(graph) current_new_graphs = [graph] for int_edge_id in intermediate_edges: particle_edges = get_particle_candidates_for_state( graph.edge_props[int_edge_id], mod_allowed_particle_list ) if len(particle_edges) == 0: logging.debug("Did not find any particle candidates for") logging.debug("edge id: " + str(int_edge_id)) logging.debug("edge properties:") logging.debug(graph.edge_props[int_edge_id]) new_graphs_temp = [] for curr_new_graph in current_new_graphs: for particle_edge in particle_edges: temp_graph = deepcopy(curr_new_graph) temp_graph.edge_props[int_edge_id] = particle_edge new_graphs_temp.append(temp_graph) current_new_graphs = new_graphs_temp initialized_graphs.extend(current_new_graphs) return initialized_graphs
[docs]def initialize_allowed_particle_list(allowed_particle_list): mod_allowed_particle_list = [] if len(allowed_particle_list) == 0: mod_allowed_particle_list = list(particle_list.values()) else: for x in allowed_particle_list: if isinstance(x, str): for name, value in particle_list.items(): if x in name: mod_allowed_particle_list.append(value) else: mod_allowed_particle_list.append(x) return mod_allowed_particle_list
[docs]def get_particle_candidates_for_state(state, allowed_particle_list): particle_edges = [] qns_label = for allowed_state in allowed_particle_list: if check_qns_equal(state[qns_label], allowed_state[qns_label]): temp_particle = deepcopy(allowed_state) temp_particle[qns_label] = merge_qn_props( state[qns_label], allowed_state[qns_label] ) particle_edges.append(temp_particle) return particle_edges
[docs]def check_qns_equal(qns_state, qns_particle): equal = True class_label = type_label = for qn_entry in qns_state: qn_found = False qn_value_match = False for par_qn_entry in qns_particle: # first check if the type and class of these # qn entries are the same if ( StateQuantumNumberNames[qn_entry[type_label]] is StateQuantumNumberNames[par_qn_entry[type_label]] and QuantumNumberClasses[qn_entry[class_label]] is QuantumNumberClasses[par_qn_entry[class_label]] ): qn_found = True if compare_qns(qn_entry, par_qn_entry): qn_value_match = True break if not qn_found: # check if there is a default value qn_name = StateQuantumNumberNames[qn_entry[type_label]] if qn_name in QNDefaultValues: if compare_qns(qn_entry, QNDefaultValues[qn_name]): qn_found = True qn_value_match = True if not qn_found or not qn_value_match: equal = False break return equal
[docs]def compare_qns(qn_dict, qn_dict2): qn_class = QuantumNumberClasses[qn_dict[]] value_label = val1 = None val2 = qn_dict2 if qn_class is QuantumNumberClasses.Int: val1 = int(qn_dict[value_label]) if isinstance(qn_dict2, dict): val2 = int(qn_dict2[value_label]) elif qn_class is QuantumNumberClasses.Float: val1 = float(qn_dict[value_label]) if isinstance(qn_dict2, dict): val2 = float(qn_dict2[value_label]) elif qn_class is QuantumNumberClasses.Spin: spin_proj_label = if isinstance(qn_dict2, dict): if spin_proj_label in qn_dict and spin_proj_label in qn_dict2: val1 = Spin(qn_dict[value_label], qn_dict[spin_proj_label]) val2 = Spin(qn_dict2[value_label], qn_dict2[spin_proj_label]) else: val1 = float(qn_dict[value_label]) val2 = float(qn_dict2[value_label]) else: val1 = Spin(qn_dict[value_label], qn_dict[spin_proj_label]) else: raise ValueError("Unknown quantum number class " + qn_class) return val1 == val2
[docs]def merge_qn_props(qns_state, qns_particle): class_label = type_label = qns = deepcopy(qns_particle) for qn_entry in qns_state: qn_found = False for par_qn_entry in qns: if ( StateQuantumNumberNames[qn_entry[type_label]] is StateQuantumNumberNames[par_qn_entry[type_label]] and QuantumNumberClasses[qn_entry[class_label]] is QuantumNumberClasses[par_qn_entry[class_label]] ): qn_found = True par_qn_entry.update(qn_entry) break if not qn_found: qns.append(qn_entry) return qns