Source code for expertsystem.state.propagation

This module is responsible for propagating the quantum numbers of the initial
and final state particles through a graphs (Propagator classes). Hence it
finds the allowed quantum numbers of the intermediate states.
The propagator classes (e.g. :class:`.CSPPropagator`) use the implemented
conservation rules of :mod:`.conservationrules`.
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import defaultdict
from enum import Enum
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import logging

from ..solvers.constraint import (

from ..topology.graph import (
from ..state.conservationrules import AbstractRule
from ..state import particle
from ..state.particle import (

graph_element_types = Enum("GraphElementTypes", "node edge")

InteractionTypes = Enum("InteractionTypes", "Strong EM Weak")

[docs]class InteractionNodeSettings: """ Container class for the interaction settings, which can be assigned to each node of a state transition graph. Hence these settings contain the complete configuration information which is required for the solution finding, e.g: - list of conservation laws - list of quantum number domains - strength scale parameter (higher value means stronger force) """ def __init__(self): self.conservation_laws = [] self.qn_domains = {} self.interaction_strength = 1.0 def __repr__(self): return_string = "conservation laws:\n" + str(self.conservation_laws) return_string += "\nquantum number domains:\n" + str(self.qn_domains) return_string += ( "\ninteraction strength: " + str(self.interaction_strength) + "\n" ) return return_string
[docs]class AbstractPropagator(ABC): def __init__(self, graph): self.node_settings = {} self.node_non_satisfied_laws = defaultdict(list) self.node_postponed_conservation_laws = defaultdict(list) self.allowed_intermediate_particles = [] self.graph = graph
[docs] @abstractmethod def find_solutions(self): pass
[docs] def get_non_satisfied_conservation_laws(self): return self.node_non_satisfied_laws
[docs] def assign_settings_to_all_nodes(self, interaction_settings): for node_id in self.graph.nodes: self.assign_settings_to_node(node_id, interaction_settings)
[docs] def assign_settings_to_node(self, node_id, interaction_settings): self.node_settings[node_id] = interaction_settings
[docs] def set_allowed_intermediate_particles( self, allowed_intermediate_particles ): self.allowed_intermediate_particles = allowed_intermediate_particles
[docs]class FullPropagator: def __init__(self, graph, propagation_mode="fast"): self.propagator = CSPPropagator(graph) self.propagation_mode = propagation_mode logging.debug("using CSP propagator") self.node_non_satisfied_laws = defaultdict(list)
[docs] def assign_settings_to_all_nodes(self, interaction_settings): for node_id in self.propagator.graph.nodes: self.assign_settings_to_node(node_id, interaction_settings)
[docs] def assign_settings_to_node(self, node_id, interaction_settings): if isinstance(self.propagator, ParticleStateTransitionGraphValidator): self.propagator.assign_settings_to_node( node_id, interaction_settings.conservation_laws ) else: self.propagator.assign_settings_to_node( node_id, interaction_settings )
[docs] def set_allowed_intermediate_particles( self, allowed_intermediate_particles ): self.propagator.allowed_intermediate_particles = ( allowed_intermediate_particles )
[docs] def get_non_satisfied_conservation_laws(self): return self.node_non_satisfied_laws
[docs] def find_solutions(self): run_validation = False solutions = self.propagator.find_solutions() logging.debug( "Number of solutions after propagator: " + str(len(solutions)) ) if not solutions: self.node_non_satisfied_laws = ( self.propagator.node_non_satisfied_laws ) if not self.node_non_satisfied_laws: run_validation = True else: logging.debug( "violated rules: " + str(self.node_non_satisfied_laws) ) logging.debug(self.propagator.graph) full_particle_graphs = initialize_graphs_with_particles( solutions, self.propagator.allowed_intermediate_particles ) logging.debug( "Number of fully initialized graphs: " + str(len(full_particle_graphs)) ) if self.propagator.node_postponed_conservation_laws: logging.debug("validating graphs") if ( self.propagation_mode == "full" and not full_particle_graphs or run_validation ): graph = self.propagator.graph validator = ParticleStateTransitionGraphValidator(graph) postponed_rules = ( self.propagator.node_postponed_conservation_laws ) for node_id, cons_laws in postponed_rules.items(): validator.assign_settings_to_node(node_id, cons_laws) full_particle_graphs.extend(validator.find_solutions()) for k, v in validator.node_non_satisfied_laws.items(): self.node_non_satisfied_laws[k].extend(v) else: temp_solution_graphs = full_particle_graphs full_particle_graphs = [] for graph in temp_solution_graphs: validator = ParticleStateTransitionGraphValidator(graph) postponed_rules = ( self.propagator.node_postponed_conservation_laws ) for node_id, cons_laws in postponed_rules.items(): validator.assign_settings_to_node(node_id, cons_laws) full_particle_graphs.extend(validator.find_solutions()) self.node_non_satisfied_laws.update( validator.node_non_satisfied_laws ) logging.debug( "Number of solutions after full propagator: " + str(len(full_particle_graphs)) ) if len(full_particle_graphs) == 0: logging.debug( "violated rules: " + str(self.node_non_satisfied_laws) ) return full_particle_graphs
[docs]class ParticleStateTransitionGraphValidator(AbstractPropagator): def __init__(self, graph): super().__init__(graph)
[docs] def find_solutions(self): logging.debug("validating graph...") for node_id, cons_laws in self.node_settings.items(): for cons_law in cons_laws: # get the needed qns for this conservation law # for all edges and the node var_containers = self.create_variable_containers( node_id, cons_law ) # check the requirements if cons_law.check_requirements( var_containers[0], var_containers[1], var_containers[2] ): # and run the rule check if not cons_law.check( var_containers[0], var_containers[1], var_containers[2] ): self.node_non_satisfied_laws[node_id].append(cons_law) else: if node_id not in self.node_postponed_conservation_laws: self.node_postponed_conservation_laws[node_id] = [] self.node_postponed_conservation_laws[node_id].append( cons_law ) if len(self.node_non_satisfied_laws) > 0: return [] if len(self.node_postponed_conservation_laws) > 0: return [] return [self.graph]
[docs] def create_variable_containers(self, node_id, cons_law): in_edges = get_edges_ingoing_to_node(self.graph, node_id) out_edges = get_edges_outgoing_to_node(self.graph, node_id) qn_names = cons_law.get_required_qn_names() qn_list = self.prepare_qns( qn_names, ( StateQuantumNumberNames, ParticlePropertyNames, ParticleDecayPropertyNames, ), ) in_edges_vars = self.create_edge_variables(in_edges, qn_list) out_edges_vars = self.create_edge_variables(out_edges, qn_list) node_vars = self.create_node_variables( node_id, self.prepare_qns(qn_names, InteractionQuantumNumberNames) ) return (in_edges_vars, out_edges_vars, node_vars)
[docs] def prepare_qns(self, qn_names, type_to_filter): return [x for x in qn_names if isinstance(x, type_to_filter)]
[docs] def create_node_variables(self, node_id, qn_list): """ Creates variables for the quantum numbers of the specified node. """ variables = {} type_label = if node_id in self.graph.node_props: qns_label = for qn_name in qn_list: converter = QNClassConverterMapping[ QNNameClassMapping[qn_name] ] found_prop = None for node_qn in self.graph.node_props[node_id][qns_label]: if node_qn[type_label] == found_prop = node_qn break if found_prop is not None: value = converter.parse_from_dict(found_prop) variables[qn_name] = value return variables
[docs] def create_edge_variables(self, edge_ids, qn_list): """ Creates variables for the quantum numbers of the specified edges. Initial and final state edges just get a single domain value. Intermediate edges are initialized with the default domains of that quantum number. """ variables = [] for edge_id in edge_ids: if edge_id in self.graph.edge_props: edge_vars = {} edge_props = self.graph.edge_props[edge_id] for qn_name in qn_list: value = get_particle_property(edge_props, qn_name) if value is not None: edge_vars[qn_name] = value variables.append(edge_vars) return variables
[docs]class VariableInfo: def __init__(self, graph_element_type, element_id, qn_name): self.graph_element_type = graph_element_type self.element_id = element_id self.qn_name = qn_name
[docs]def decode_variable_name(variable_name, delimiter): """ Decodes the variable name (see :func:`.encode_variable_name`) """ split_name = variable_name.split(delimiter) if not len(split_name) == 3: raise ValueError( "The variable name does not follow the scheme: " + variable_name ) qn_name = None graph_element_type = None element_id = int(split_name[1]) if split_name[0] in qn_name = InteractionQuantumNumberNames[split_name[2]] graph_element_type = graph_element_types.node else: qn_name = StateQuantumNumberNames[split_name[2]] graph_element_type = graph_element_types.edge return VariableInfo(graph_element_type, element_id, qn_name)
[docs]def encode_variable_name(variable_info, delimiter): """ The variable names are encoded as a concatenated string of the form graph element type + delimiter + element id + delimiter + qn name The variable of type :class:`.VariableInfo` and contains: - graph_element_type: is either "node" or "edge" (enum) - element_id: is the id of that node/edge (as it is defined in the graph) - qn_name: the quantum number name (enum) """ if not isinstance(variable_info, VariableInfo): raise TypeError("parameter variable_info must be of type VariableInfo") var_name = ( + delimiter + str(variable_info.element_id) + delimiter + ) return var_name
[docs]class CSPPropagator(AbstractPropagator): """ Quantum number propagator reducing the problem to a constraint satisfaction problem and solving this with the python-constraint module. The variables are the quantum numbers of particles/edges, but also some composite quantum numbers which are attributed to the interaction nodes (such as angular momentum L). The conservation laws serve as the constraints and are wrapped with a special class :class:`.ConservationLawConstraintWrapper`. """ def __init__(self, graph): self.variable_set = set() self.constraints = [] solver = BacktrackingSolver(True) self.problem = Problem(solver) self.particle_variable_delimiter = "-*-" super().__init__(graph)
[docs] def find_solutions(self): self.initialize_constraints() solutions = self.problem.getSolutions() solution_graphs = self.apply_solutions_to_graph(solutions) for constraint in self.constraints: if ( constraint.conditions_never_met or sum(constraint.scenario_results) == 0 ): self.node_postponed_conservation_laws[ constraint.node_id ].append(constraint.rule) if ( sum(constraint.scenario_results) > 0 and constraint.scenario_results[1] == 0 ): self.node_non_satisfied_laws[constraint.node_id].append( constraint.rule ) return solution_graphs
[docs] def initialize_constraints(self): """ Initializes all of the constraints for this graph. For each interaction node a set of independent constraints/conservation laws are created. For each conservation law a new CSP wrapper is created. This wrapper needs all of the qn numbers/variables which enter or exit the node and play a role for this conservation law. Hence variables are also created within this method. """ for node_id, interaction_settings in self.node_settings.items(): new_cons_laws = interaction_settings.conservation_laws for cons_law in new_cons_laws: variable_mapping = {} # from cons law and graph determine needed var lists qn_names = cons_law.get_required_qn_names() # create needed variables for edges state qns part_qn_dict = self.prepare_qns( qn_names, interaction_settings.qn_domains, ( StateQuantumNumberNames, ParticlePropertyNames, ParticleDecayPropertyNames, ), ) in_edges = get_edges_ingoing_to_node(self.graph, node_id) in_edge_vars = self.create_edge_variables( in_edges, part_qn_dict ) variable_mapping["ingoing"] = in_edge_vars[0] variable_mapping["ingoing-fixed"] = in_edge_vars[1] var_list = [key for key in variable_mapping["ingoing"]] out_edges = get_edges_outgoing_to_node(self.graph, node_id) out_edge_vars = self.create_edge_variables( out_edges, part_qn_dict ) variable_mapping["outgoing"] = out_edge_vars[0] variable_mapping["outgoing-fixed"] = out_edge_vars[1] var_list.extend([key for key in variable_mapping["outgoing"]]) # now create variables for node/interaction qns int_qn_dict = self.prepare_qns( qn_names, interaction_settings.qn_domains, InteractionQuantumNumberNames, ) int_node_vars = self.create_node_variables( node_id, int_qn_dict ) variable_mapping["interaction"] = int_node_vars[0] variable_mapping["interaction-fixed"] = int_node_vars[1] var_list.extend( [key for key in variable_mapping["interaction"]] ) constraint = ConservationLawConstraintWrapper( cons_law, variable_mapping, self.particle_variable_delimiter, ) constraint.register_graph_node(node_id) self.constraints.append(constraint) if var_list: self.problem.addConstraint(constraint, var_list) else: self.constraints[-1].conditions_never_met = True
[docs] def prepare_qns(self, qn_names, qn_domains, type_to_filter): part_qn_dict = {} for qn_name in [x for x in qn_names if isinstance(x, type_to_filter)]: if qn_name in qn_domains: part_qn_dict[qn_name] = qn_domains[qn_name] else: part_qn_dict[qn_name] = [] return part_qn_dict
[docs] def create_node_variables(self, node_id, qn_dict): """ Creates variables for the quantum numbers of the specified node. If a quantum number is already defined for a node, then a fixed variable is created, which cannot be changed by the csp solver. Otherwise the node is initialized with the specified domain of that quantum number. """ variables = (set(), set()) if node_id in self.graph.node_props: node_props = self.graph.node_props[node_id] for qn_name, qn_domain in qn_dict.items(): value = get_interaction_property(node_props, qn_name) if value is not None: variables[1].add((qn_name, value)) else: for qn_name, qn_domain in qn_dict.items(): var_info = VariableInfo( graph_element_types.node, node_id, qn_name ) # domain_values = self.determine_domain(var_info, [], ) if qn_domain: key = self.add_variable(var_info, qn_domain) variables[0].add(key) return variables
[docs] def create_edge_variables(self, edge_ids, qn_dict): """ Creates variables for the quantum numbers of the specified edges. If a quantum number is already defined for an edge, then a fixed variable is created, which cannot be changed by the csp solver. This is the case for initial and final state edges. Otherwise the edges are initialized with the specified domains of that quantum number. """ variables = (set(), {}) for edge_id in edge_ids: variables[1][edge_id] = [] if edge_id in self.graph.edge_props: edge_props = self.graph.edge_props[edge_id] for qn_name, qn_domain in qn_dict.items(): value = get_particle_property(edge_props, qn_name) if value is not None: variables[1][edge_id].append((qn_name, value)) else: for qn_name, qn_domain in qn_dict.items(): var_info = VariableInfo( graph_element_types.edge, edge_id, qn_name ) if qn_domain: key = self.add_variable(var_info, qn_domain) variables[0].add(key) return variables
[docs] def add_variable(self, var_info, domain): key = encode_variable_name(var_info, self.particle_variable_delimiter) if key not in self.variable_set: self.variable_set.add(key) self.problem.addVariable(key, domain) return key
[docs] def apply_solutions_to_graph(self, solutions): """ Apply the CSP solutions to the graph instance. In other words attach the solution quantum numbers as properties to the edges. Also the solutions are filtered using the allowed intermediate particle list, to avoid large memory consumption. Args: solutions: list of solutions of the csp solver Returns: solution graphs ([:class:`.StateTransitionGraph`]) """ solution_graphs = [] initial_edges = get_initial_state_edges(self.graph) final_edges = get_final_state_edges(self.graph) full_allowed_particle_list = initialize_allowed_particle_list( self.allowed_intermediate_particles ) #"attempting to filter " + str(len(solutions)) + # " solutions for allowed intermediate particles and" # " create a copy graph") # bar = IncrementalBar('Filtering solutions', max=len(solutions)) found_JPs = set() for solution in solutions: graph_copy = deepcopy(self.graph) for var_name, value in solution.items(): var_info = decode_variable_name( var_name, self.particle_variable_delimiter ) ele_id = var_info.element_id if var_info.graph_element_type is graph_element_types.edge: if ele_id in initial_edges or ele_id in final_edges: # skip if its an initial or final state edge continue add_qn_to_graph_element(graph_copy, var_info, value) solution_valid = True if self.allowed_intermediate_particles: for int_edge_id in get_intermediate_state_edges(graph_copy): # for documentation in case of failure spin = get_particle_property( graph_copy.edge_props[int_edge_id], StateQuantumNumberNames.Spin, ) parity = get_particle_property( graph_copy.edge_props[int_edge_id], StateQuantumNumberNames.Parity, ) found_JPs.add( str(spin.magnitude()) + ("-" if parity == -1 or parity == -1.0 else "+") ) # now do actual candidate finding candidates = get_particle_candidates_for_state( graph_copy.edge_props[int_edge_id], full_allowed_particle_list, ) if not candidates: solution_valid = False break if solution_valid: solution_graphs.append(graph_copy) # # bar.finish() if solutions and not solution_graphs: logging.warning( "No intermediate state particles match the found " + str(len(solutions)) + " solutions!" ) logging.warning("solution inter. state J^P: " + str(found_JPs)) return solution_graphs
[docs]def add_qn_to_graph_element(graph, var_info, value): if value is None: return qns_label = element_id = var_info.element_id qn_name = var_info.qn_name graph_prop_dict = graph.edge_props if var_info.graph_element_type is graph_element_types.node: graph_prop_dict = graph.node_props converter = QNClassConverterMapping[QNNameClassMapping[qn_name]] if element_id not in graph_prop_dict: graph_prop_dict[element_id] = {qns_label: []} graph_prop_dict[element_id][qns_label].append( converter.convert_to_dict(qn_name, value) )
[docs]class ConservationLawConstraintWrapper(Constraint): """ Wrapper class of the python-constraint Constraint class, to allow a customized definition of conservation laws, and hence a cleaner user interface. """ def __init__(self, rule, variable_mapping, name_delimiter): if not isinstance(rule, AbstractRule): raise TypeError("rule has to be of type AbstractRule!") self.rule = rule self.in_variable_set = variable_mapping["ingoing"] self.fixed_in_variables = variable_mapping["ingoing-fixed"] self.out_variable_set = variable_mapping["outgoing"] self.fixed_out_variables = variable_mapping["outgoing-fixed"] self.interaction_variable_set = variable_mapping["interaction"] self.fixed_interaction_variable_set = variable_mapping[ "interaction-fixed" ] self.name_delimiter = name_delimiter self.part_in = [] self.part_out = [] self.interaction_qns = {} self.variable_name_decoding_map = {} self.initialize_particle_lists() self.node_id = None self.conditions_never_met = False self.scenario_results = [0, 0]
[docs] def register_graph_node(self, node_id): self.node_id = node_id
[docs] def initialize_particle_lists(self): """ Fill the name decoding map and initialize the in and out particle lists. The variable names follow the scheme edge_id(delimiter)qn_name. This method creates a dict linking the var name to a list that consists of the particle list index and the qn name """ self.initialize_particle_list( self.in_variable_set, self.fixed_in_variables, self.part_in ) self.initialize_particle_list( self.out_variable_set, self.fixed_out_variables, self.part_out ) # and now interaction node variables for var_name in self.interaction_variable_set: var_info = decode_variable_name(var_name, self.name_delimiter) self.interaction_qns[var_info.qn_name] = {} self.variable_name_decoding_map[var_name] = (0, var_info.qn_name) for qn_name, value in self.fixed_interaction_variable_set: self.interaction_qns[qn_name] = value
[docs] def initialize_particle_list( self, variable_set, fixed_variables, list_to_init ): temp_var_dict = {} for var_name in variable_set: var_info = decode_variable_name(var_name, self.name_delimiter) if var_info.element_id not in temp_var_dict: temp_var_dict[var_info.element_id] = { "vars": {var_name: var_info.qn_name} } else: temp_var_dict[var_info.element_id]["vars"][ var_name ] = var_info.qn_name for edge_id, varlist in fixed_variables.items(): if edge_id not in temp_var_dict: temp_var_dict[edge_id] = {"fixed-vars": varlist} else: if "fixed-vars" not in temp_var_dict[edge_id]: temp_var_dict[edge_id]["fixed-vars"] = varlist for value in temp_var_dict.values(): index = len(list_to_init) list_to_init.append({}) if "vars" in value: for var_name, qn_name in value["vars"].items(): self.variable_name_decoding_map[var_name] = ( index, qn_name, ) if "fixed-vars" in value: for item in value["fixed-vars"]: list_to_init[-1][item[0]] = item[1]
[docs] def __call__( self, variables, domains, assignments, forwardcheck=False, _unassigned=Unassigned, ): if self.conditions_never_met: return True params = [(x, assignments.get(x, _unassigned)) for x in variables] missing = [name for (name, val) in params if val is _unassigned] if missing: return True self.update_variable_lists(params) if not self.rule.check_requirements( self.part_in, self.part_out, self.interaction_qns ): self.conditions_never_met = True return True passed = self.rule.check( self.part_in, self.part_out, self.interaction_qns ) # before returning gather statistics about the rule if passed: self.scenario_results[1] += 1 else: self.scenario_results[0] += 1 return passed
[docs] def update_variable_lists(self, parameters): for [var_name, value] in parameters: (index, qn_name) = self.variable_name_decoding_map[var_name] if var_name in self.in_variable_set: self.part_in[index][qn_name] = value elif var_name in self.out_variable_set: self.part_out[index][qn_name] = value elif var_name in self.interaction_variable_set: self.interaction_qns[qn_name] = value else: raise ValueError( "The variable with name " + var_name + "does not appear in the variable mapping!" )