Source code for expertsystem.ui.system_control

import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import product, permutations
from collections import OrderedDict
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from multiprocessing import Pool
import inspect
from os import path
from typing import Callable

from import IncrementalBar

import expertsystem

from ..topology.graph import (
from ..topology.topologybuilder import SimpleStateTransitionTopologyBuilder

from ..state import particle
from ..state.particle import (

from ..state.propagation import (

from .default_settings import (

[docs]def change_qn_domain(interaction_settings, qn_name, new_domain): if not isinstance(interaction_settings, InteractionNodeSettings): raise TypeError( "interaction_settings has to be of type InteractionNodeSettings" ) interaction_settings.qn_domains.update({qn_name: new_domain})
[docs]def remove_conservation_law(interaction_settings, cons_law): if not isinstance(interaction_settings, InteractionNodeSettings): raise TypeError( "interaction_settings has to be of type InteractionNodeSettings" ) for i, x in enumerate(interaction_settings.conservation_laws): if x.__class__.__name__ == cons_law.__class__.__name__: del interaction_settings.conservation_laws[i] break
[docs]def filter_interaction_types( valid_determined_interaction_types, allowed_interaction_types ): int_type_intersection = list( set(allowed_interaction_types) & set(valid_determined_interaction_types) ) if int_type_intersection: return int_type_intersection else: logging.warning( "The specified list of interaction types " + str(allowed_interaction_types) + " does not intersect with the valid list of interaction types " + str(valid_determined_interaction_types) + ".\nUsing valid list instead." ) return valid_determined_interaction_types
[docs]class InteractionDeterminationFunctorInterface(ABC):
[docs] @abstractmethod def check(self, in_edge_props, out_edge_props, node_props): pass
[docs]class GammaCheck(InteractionDeterminationFunctorInterface): name_label =
[docs] def check(self, in_edge_props, out_edge_props, node_props): int_types = [x for x in InteractionTypes] for edge_props in in_edge_props + out_edge_props: if "gamma" in edge_props[self.name_label]: int_types = [InteractionTypes.EM, InteractionTypes.Weak] break return int_types
[docs]class LeptonCheck(InteractionDeterminationFunctorInterface): lepton_flavour_labels = [ StateQuantumNumberNames.ElectronLN, StateQuantumNumberNames.MuonLN, StateQuantumNumberNames.TauLN, ] name_label = qns_label =
[docs] def check(self, in_edge_props, out_edge_props, node_props): node_interaction_types = [x for x in InteractionTypes] for edge_props in in_edge_props + out_edge_props: if sum( [ get_particle_property(edge_props, x) for x in self.lepton_flavour_labels if get_particle_property(edge_props, x) is not None ] ): if [ x for x in [ "ve", "vebar", "vmu", "vmubar", "vtau", "vtaubar", ] if x == edge_props[self.name_label] ]: node_interaction_types = [InteractionTypes.Weak] break if edge_props[self.qns_label] != 0: node_interaction_types = [ InteractionTypes.EM, InteractionTypes.Weak, ] return node_interaction_types
[docs]def remove_duplicate_solutions( results, remove_qns_list=[], ignore_qns_list=[] ):"removing duplicate solutions...")"removing these qns from graphs: " + str(remove_qns_list))"ignoring qns in graph comparison: " + str(ignore_qns_list)) filtered_results = {} solutions = [] remove_counter = 0 for strength, group_results in results.items(): for (sol_graphs, rule_violations) in group_results: temp_graphs = [] for sol_graph in sol_graphs: sol_graph = remove_qns_from_graph(sol_graph, remove_qns_list) found_graph = check_equal_ignoring_qns( sol_graph, solutions, ignore_qns_list ) if found_graph is None: solutions.append(sol_graph) temp_graphs.append(sol_graph) else: # check if found solution also has the prefactors # if not overwrite them remove_counter += 1 if strength not in filtered_results: filtered_results[strength] = [] filtered_results[strength].append((temp_graphs, rule_violations))"removed " + str(remove_counter) + " solutions") return filtered_results
[docs]def remove_qns_from_graph(graph, qn_list): qns_label = type_label = int_qns = [ x for x in qn_list if isinstance(x, InteractionQuantumNumberNames) ] state_qns = [x for x in qn_list if isinstance(x, StateQuantumNumberNames)] part_props = [x for x in qn_list if isinstance(x, ParticlePropertyNames)] graph_copy = deepcopy(graph) for int_qn in int_qns: for props in graph_copy.node_props.values(): if qns_label in props: for qn_entry in props[qns_label]: if ( InteractionQuantumNumberNames[qn_entry[type_label]] is int_qn ): del props[qns_label][props[qns_label].index(qn_entry)] break for state_qn in state_qns: for props in graph_copy.edge_props.values(): if qns_label in props: for qn_entry in props[qns_label]: if ( StateQuantumNumberNames[qn_entry[type_label]] is state_qn ): del props[qns_label][props[qns_label].index(qn_entry)] break for part_prop in part_props: for props in graph_copy.edge_props.values(): if qns_label in props: for qn_entry in graph_copy.edge_props[qns_label]: if ( ParticlePropertyNames[qn_entry[type_label]] is part_prop ): del props[qns_label][props[qns_label].index(qn_entry)] break return graph_copy
[docs]def check_equal_ignoring_qns(ref_graph, solutions, ignored_qn_list): """ defines the equal operator for the graphs ignoring certain quantum numbers """ if not isinstance(ref_graph, StateTransitionGraph): raise TypeError( "Reference graph has to be of type StateTransitionGraph" ) found_graph = None old_comparator = ref_graph.graph_element_properties_comparator ref_graph.set_graph_element_properties_comparator( CompareGraphElementPropertiesFunctor(ignored_qn_list) ) for graph in solutions: if isinstance(graph, StateTransitionGraph): if ref_graph == graph: found_graph = graph break ref_graph.set_graph_element_properties_comparator(old_comparator) return found_graph
[docs]def filter_graphs(graphs, filters): """ Implements filtering of a list of :py:class:`.StateTransitionGraph` 's. This function can be used to select a subset of :py:class:`.StateTransitionGraph` 's from a list. Only the graphs passing all supplied filters will be returned. Note: For the more advanced user, lambda functions can be used as filters. Args: graphs ([:py:class:`.StateTransitionGraph`]): list of graphs to be filtered filters (list): list of functions, which take a single :py:class:`.StateTransitionGraph` as an argument Returns: [:py:class:`.StateTransitionGraph`]: filtered list of graphs Example: Selecting only the solutions, in which the :math:`\\rho` decays via p-wave: >>> myfilter = require_interaction_property( 'rho', InteractionQuantumNumberNames.L, create_spin_domain([1], True)) >>> filtered_solutions = filter_graphs(solutions, [myfilter]) """ filtered_graphs = graphs for x in filters: if not filtered_graphs: break filtered_graphs = list(filter(x, filtered_graphs)) return filtered_graphs
[docs]def require_interaction_property( ingoing_particle_name, interaction_qn, allowed_values ): """ Closure, which can be used as a filter function in :py:func:`.filter_graphs`. It selects graphs based on a requirement on the property of specific interaction nodes. Args: ingoing_particle_name (str): name of particle, used to find nodes which have a particle with this name as "ingoing" interaction_qn (:py:class:`.InteractionQuantumNumberNames`): interaction quantum number allowed_values (list): list of allowed values, that the interaction quantum number may take Return: bool: - *True* if the graph has nodes with an ingoing particle of the given name, and the graph fullfills the quantum number requirement - *False* otherwise """ def check(graph): node_ids = _find_node_ids_with_ingoing_particle_name( graph, ingoing_particle_name ) if not node_ids: return False for i in node_ids: if ( get_interaction_property(graph.node_props[i], interaction_qn) not in allowed_values ): return False return True return check
def _find_node_ids_with_ingoing_particle_name(graph, ingoing_particle_name): name_label = found_node_ids = [] for node_id in graph.nodes: edge_ids = get_edges_ingoing_to_node(graph, node_id) for edge_id in edge_ids: edge_props = graph.edge_props[edge_id] if name_label in edge_props: edge_particle_name = edge_props[name_label] if str(ingoing_particle_name) in str(edge_particle_name): found_node_ids.append(node_id) break return found_node_ids
[docs]def analyse_solution_failure(violated_laws_per_node_and_graph): # try to find rules that are just always violated violated_laws = [] scoresheet = {} for violated_laws_per_node in violated_laws_per_node_and_graph: temp_violated_laws = set() for laws in violated_laws_per_node.values(): for law in laws: temp_violated_laws.add(str(law)) for law_name in temp_violated_laws: if law_name not in scoresheet: scoresheet[law_name] = 0 scoresheet[law_name] += 1 for rule_name, violation_count in scoresheet.items(): if violation_count == len(violated_laws_per_node_and_graph): violated_laws.append(rule_name) logging.debug( "no solutions could be found, because the following " + "rules are violated:" ) logging.debug(violated_laws) return violated_laws
[docs]def create_setting_combinations(node_settings): return [ dict(zip(node_settings.keys(), x)) for x in product(*node_settings.values()) ]
[docs]def calculate_strength(node_interaction_settings): strength = 1.0 for int_setting in node_interaction_settings.values(): strength *= int_setting.interaction_strength return strength
[docs]def match_external_edges(graphs): if not isinstance(graphs, list): raise TypeError("graphs argument is not of type list!") if not graphs: return ref_graph_id = 0 match_external_edge_ids(graphs, ref_graph_id, get_final_state_edges) match_external_edge_ids(graphs, ref_graph_id, get_initial_state_edges)
[docs]def match_external_edge_ids( graphs, ref_graph_id, external_edge_getter_function ): ref_graph = graphs[ref_graph_id] # create external edge to particle mapping ref_edge_id_particle_mapping = create_edge_id_particle_mapping( ref_graph, external_edge_getter_function ) for graph in graphs[:ref_graph_id] + graphs[ref_graph_id + 1 :]: edge_id_particle_mapping = create_edge_id_particle_mapping( graph, external_edge_getter_function ) # remove matching entries ref_mapping_copy = deepcopy(ref_edge_id_particle_mapping) edge_ids_mapping = {} for k, v in edge_id_particle_mapping.items(): if k in ref_mapping_copy and v == ref_mapping_copy[k]: del ref_mapping_copy[k] else: for k2, v2 in ref_mapping_copy.items(): if v == v2: edge_ids_mapping[k] = k2 del ref_mapping_copy[k2] break if len(ref_mapping_copy) != 0: raise ValueError( "Unable to match graphs, due to inherent graph" " structure mismatch" ) swappings = calculate_swappings(edge_ids_mapping) for edge_id1, edge_id2 in swappings.items(): graph.swap_edges(edge_id1, edge_id2)
[docs]def calculate_swappings(id_mapping): # calculate edge id swappings # its important to use an ordered dict as the swappings do not commute! swappings = OrderedDict() for k, v in id_mapping.items(): # go through existing swappings and use them newkey = k while newkey in swappings: newkey = swappings[newkey] if v != newkey: swappings[v] = newkey return swappings
[docs]def create_edge_id_particle_mapping(graph, external_edge_getter_function): name_label = return { i: graph.edge_props[i][name_label] for i in external_edge_getter_function(graph) }
[docs]def perform_external_edge_identical_particle_combinatorics(graph): """ Creates combinatorics clones of the StateTransitionGraph in case of identical particles in the initial or final state. Only identical particles, which do not enter or exit the same node allow for combinatorics! """ if not isinstance(graph, StateTransitionGraph): raise TypeError("graph argument is not of type StateTransitionGraph!") temp_new_graphs = external_edge_identical_particle_combinatorics( graph, get_final_state_edges ) new_graphs = [] for g in temp_new_graphs: new_graphs.extend( external_edge_identical_particle_combinatorics( g, get_initial_state_edges ) ) return new_graphs
[docs]def external_edge_identical_particle_combinatorics( graph, external_edge_getter_function ): new_graphs = [graph] edge_particle_mapping = create_edge_id_particle_mapping( graph, external_edge_getter_function ) identical_particle_groups = {} for k, v in edge_particle_mapping.items(): if v not in identical_particle_groups: identical_particle_groups[v] = set() identical_particle_groups[v].add(k) identical_particle_groups = { k: v for k, v in identical_particle_groups.items() if len(v) > 1 } # now for each identical particle group perform all permutations for edge_group in identical_particle_groups.values(): combinations = permutations(edge_group) graph_combinations = set() ext_edge_combinations = [] ref_node_origin = graph.get_originating_node_list(edge_group) for comb in combinations: temp_edge_node_mapping = tuple(sorted(zip(comb, ref_node_origin))) if temp_edge_node_mapping not in graph_combinations: graph_combinations.add(temp_edge_node_mapping) ext_edge_combinations.append(dict(zip(edge_group, comb))) temp_new_graphs = [] for g in new_graphs: for c in ext_edge_combinations: gnew = deepcopy(g) swappings = calculate_swappings(c) for edge_id1, edge_id2 in swappings.items(): gnew.swap_edges(edge_id1, edge_id2) temp_new_graphs.append(gnew) new_graphs = temp_new_graphs return new_graphs
[docs]class StateTransitionManager: def __init__( self, initial_state, final_state, allowed_intermediate_particles=[], interaction_type_settings={}, formalism_type="helicity", topology_building="isobar", number_of_threads=4, propagation_mode="fast", ): self.number_of_threads = number_of_threads self.propagation_mode = propagation_mode self.initial_state = initial_state self.final_state = final_state self.interaction_type_settings = interaction_type_settings if not self.interaction_type_settings: self.interaction_type_settings = create_default_interaction_settings( formalism_type ) self.interaction_determinators = [LeptonCheck(), GammaCheck()] self.allowed_intermediate_particles = allowed_intermediate_particles self.final_state_groupings = [] self.allowed_interaction_types = [ InteractionTypes.Strong, InteractionTypes.EM, InteractionTypes.Weak, ] self.filter_remove_qns = [] self.filter_ignore_qns = [] if formalism_type == "helicity": self.filter_remove_qns = [ InteractionQuantumNumberNames.S, InteractionQuantumNumberNames.L, ] if "helicity" in formalism_type: self.filter_ignore_qns = [ InteractionQuantumNumberNames.ParityPrefactor ] int_nodes = [] if topology_building == "isobar": if len(initial_state) == 1: int_nodes.append(InteractionNode("TwoBodyDecay", 1, 2)) else: int_nodes.append( InteractionNode( "NBodyScattering", len(initial_state), len(final_state) ) ) # turn of mass conservation, in case more than one initial state # particle is present if len(initial_state) > 1: self.interaction_type_settings = create_default_interaction_settings( formalism_type, False ) self.topology_builder = SimpleStateTransitionTopologyBuilder(int_nodes) load_default_particle_list()
[docs] def set_topology_builder(self, topology_builder): self.topology_builder = topology_builder
[docs] def add_final_state_grouping(self, fs_group): if not isinstance(fs_group, list): raise ValueError( "The final state grouping has to be of type list." ) if len(fs_group) > 0: if not isinstance(fs_group[0], list): fs_group = [fs_group] self.final_state_groupings.append(fs_group)
[docs] def set_allowed_interaction_types(self, allowed_interaction_types): # verify order for x in allowed_interaction_types: if not isinstance(x, InteractionTypes): raise TypeError( "allowed interaction types must be of type" "[InteractionTypes]" ) if x not in self.interaction_type_settings: raise ValueError( "interaction " + str(x) + " not found in settings" ) self.allowed_interaction_types = allowed_interaction_types
[docs] def prepare_graphs(self): topology_graphs = self.build_topologies() init_graphs = self.create_seed_graphs(topology_graphs) graph_node_setting_pairs = self.determine_node_settings(init_graphs) # create groups of settings ordered by "probability" graph_settings_groups = self.create_interaction_setting_groups( graph_node_setting_pairs ) return graph_settings_groups
[docs] def build_topologies(self): all_graphs = self.topology_builder.build_graphs( len(self.initial_state), len(self.final_state) )"number of topology graphs: " + str(len(all_graphs))) return all_graphs
[docs] def create_seed_graphs(self, topology_graphs): # initialize the graph edges (initial and final state) init_graphs = [] for tgraph in topology_graphs: tgraph.set_graph_element_properties_comparator( CompareGraphElementPropertiesFunctor() ) init_graphs.extend( initialize_graph( tgraph, self.initial_state, self.final_state, self.final_state_groupings, ) )"initialized " + str(len(init_graphs)) + " graphs!") return init_graphs
[docs] def determine_node_settings(self, graphs): graph_node_setting_pairs = [] for graph in graphs: final_state_edges = get_final_state_edges(graph) initial_state_edges = get_initial_state_edges(graph) node_settings = {} for node_id in graph.nodes: node_int_types = [] out_edge_ids = get_edges_outgoing_to_node(graph, node_id) in_edge_ids = get_edges_outgoing_to_node(graph, node_id) in_edge_props = [ graph.edge_props[edge_id] for edge_id in [ x for x in in_edge_ids if x in initial_state_edges ] ] out_edge_props = [ graph.edge_props[edge_id] for edge_id in [ x for x in out_edge_ids if x in final_state_edges ] ] node_props = {} if node_id in graph.node_props: node_props = graph.node_props[node_id] for int_det in self.interaction_determinators: determined_interactions = int_det.check( in_edge_props, out_edge_props, node_props ) if node_int_types: node_int_types = list( set(determined_interactions) & set(node_int_types) ) else: node_int_types = determined_interactions node_int_types = filter_interaction_types( node_int_types, self.allowed_interaction_types ) logging.debug( "using " + str(node_int_types) + " interaction order for node: " + str(node_id) ) node_settings[node_id] = [ deepcopy(self.interaction_type_settings[x]) for x in node_int_types ] graph_node_setting_pairs.append((graph, node_settings)) return graph_node_setting_pairs
[docs] def create_interaction_setting_groups(self, graph_node_setting_pairs): graph_settings_groups = {} for (graph, node_settings) in graph_node_setting_pairs: setting_combinations = create_setting_combinations(node_settings) for setting in setting_combinations: strength = calculate_strength(setting) if strength not in graph_settings_groups: graph_settings_groups[strength] = [] graph_settings_groups[strength].append((graph, setting)) return graph_settings_groups
[docs] def find_solutions(self, graph_setting_groups): results = {} # check for solutions for a specific set of interaction settings "Number of interaction settings groups being processed: " + str(len(graph_setting_groups)) ) for strength, graph_setting_group in sorted( graph_setting_groups.items(), reverse=True ): "processing interaction settings group with " "strength " + str(strength) ) str(len(graph_setting_group)) + " entries in this group" ) "running with " + str(self.number_of_threads) + " threads..." ) temp_results = [] bar = IncrementalBar( "Propagating quantum numbers...", max=len(graph_setting_group) ) bar.update() if self.number_of_threads > 1: with Pool(self.number_of_threads) as p: for result in p.imap_unordered( self.propagate_quantum_numbers, graph_setting_group, 1 ): temp_results.append(result) else: for graph_setting_pair in graph_setting_group: temp_results.append( self.propagate_quantum_numbers(graph_setting_pair) ) bar.finish()"Finished!") if strength not in results: results[strength] = [] results[strength].extend(temp_results) for k, v in results.items(): "number of solutions for strength (" + str(k) + ") after qn propagation: " + str(sum([len(x[0]) for x in v])) ) # remove duplicate solutions, which only differ in the interaction qn S results = remove_duplicate_solutions( results, self.filter_remove_qns, self.filter_ignore_qns ) node_non_satisfied_rules = [] solutions = [] for result in results.values(): for (tempsolutions, non_satisfied_laws) in result: solutions.extend(tempsolutions) node_non_satisfied_rules.append(non_satisfied_laws)"total number of found solutions: " + str(len(solutions))) violated_laws = [] if len(solutions) == 0: violated_laws = analyse_solution_failure(node_non_satisfied_rules)"violated rules: " + str(violated_laws)) # finally perform combinatorics of identical external edges # (initial or final state edges) and prepare graphs for # amplitude generation match_external_edges(solutions) final_solutions = [] for sol in solutions: final_solutions.extend( perform_external_edge_identical_particle_combinatorics(sol) ) return (final_solutions, violated_laws)
[docs] def propagate_quantum_numbers(self, state_graph_node_settings_pair): propagator = self.initialize_qn_propagator( state_graph_node_settings_pair[0], state_graph_node_settings_pair[1], ) solutions = propagator.find_solutions() return (solutions, propagator.get_non_satisfied_conservation_laws())
[docs] def initialize_qn_propagator(self, state_graph, node_settings): propagator = FullPropagator(state_graph, self.propagation_mode) for node_id, interaction_settings in node_settings.items(): propagator.assign_settings_to_node(node_id, interaction_settings) # specify set of particles which are allowed to be intermediate # particles. If list is empty, then all particles in the default # particle list are used propagator.set_allowed_intermediate_particles( self.allowed_intermediate_particles ) return propagator
[docs]def load_default_particle_list( method: Callable = particle.load_particle_list_from_xml, ) -> None: """Load the default particle list that comes with the expertsystem.""" if len(particle_list) == 0: for search_path in default_particle_list_search_paths: if search_path.startswith("/"): # absolute path file_path = search_path else: # relative path file_path = ( path.dirname(expertsystem.__file__) + "/" + search_path ) file_path += "/particle_list.xml" if path.exists(file_path): method(file_path) "loaded " + str(len(particle_list)) + " particles from xml file!" ) break if len(particle_list) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError( "\n Failed to load particle_list.xml from search paths!" "\n Please contact the developers:" )