Using composition

from typing import Callable, Tuple

import attr
import sympy as sp
from helpers import (

    from typing import Protocol
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Protocol  # type: ignore

A frozen DynamicExpression class keeps track of variables, parameters, and the dynamics expression in which they should appear:

class DynamicsExpression:
    variables: Tuple[sp.Symbol, ...] = attr.ib()
    parameters: Tuple[sp.Symbol, ...] = attr.ib()
    expression: sp.Expr = attr.ib()

    def substitute(self) -> sp.Expr:
        return self.expression(*self.variables, *self.parameters)

The expression attribute can be formulated as a simple Python function that takes sympy.Symbols as arguments and returns a sympy.Expr:

def relativistic_breit_wigner(
    mass: sp.Symbol, mass0: sp.Symbol, gamma0: sp.Symbol
) -> sp.Expr:
    return gamma0 * mass0 / (mass0 ** 2 - mass ** 2 - gamma0 * mass0 * sp.I)
def relativistic_breit_wigner_with_form_factor(
    mass: sp.Symbol,
    mass0: sp.Symbol,
    gamma0: sp.Symbol,
    m_a: sp.Symbol,
    m_b: sp.Symbol,
    angular_momentum: sp.Symbol,
    meson_radius: sp.Symbol,
) -> sp.Expr:
    q_squared = two_body_momentum_squared(mass, m_a, m_b)
    q0_squared = two_body_momentum_squared(mass0, m_a, m_b)
    ff2 = blatt_weisskopf(q_squared, meson_radius, angular_momentum)
    ff02 = blatt_weisskopf(q0_squared, meson_radius, angular_momentum)
    width = gamma0 * (mass0 / mass) * (ff2 / ff02)
    width = width * sp.sqrt(q_squared / q0_squared)
    return (
        relativistic_breit_wigner(mass, mass0, width)
        * mass0
        * gamma0
        * sp.sqrt(ff2)

The DynamicsExpression container class enables us to provide the expression with correctly named Symbols for the decay that is being described. Here, we use some naming scheme for an \(f_0(980)\) decaying to final state edges 3 and 4 (say \(\pi^0\pi^0\)):

bw_decay_f0 = DynamicsExpression(
    variables=sp.symbols("m_3+4", seq=True),
    parameters=sp.symbols(R"m_f(0)(980) \Gamma_f(0)(980)"),
\[\displaystyle \frac{\Gamma_{f(0)(980)} m_{f(0)(980)}}{- i \Gamma_{f(0)(980)} m_{f(0)(980)} - m_{3+4}^{2} + m_{f(0)(980)}^{2}}\]

For each dynamics expression, we have to provide a ‘builder’ function that can create a DynamicsExpression for a specific edge within the StateTransitionGraph:

def relativistic_breit_wigner_from_graph(
    graph: StateTransitionGraph, edge_id: int
) -> DynamicsExpression:
    edge_ids = determine_attached_final_state(graph, edge_id)
    final_state_ids = map(str, edge_ids)
    mass = sp.Symbol(f"m_{{{'+'.join(final_state_ids)}}}")
    particle, _ = graph.get_edge_props(edge_id)
    mass0 = sp.Symbol(f"m_{{{particle.latex}}}")
    gamma0 = sp.Symbol(fR"\Gamma_{{{particle.latex}}}")
    return DynamicsExpression(
        parameters=(mass0, gamma0),
        expression=relativistic_breit_wigner(mass, mass0, gamma0),
def relativistic_breit_wigner_with_form_factor_from_graph(
    graph: StateTransitionGraph, edge_id: int
) -> DynamicsExpression:
    edge_ids = determine_attached_final_state(graph, edge_id)
    final_state_ids = map(str, edge_ids)
    mass = sp.Symbol(f"m_{{{'+'.join(final_state_ids)}}}")
    particle, _ = graph.get_edge_props(edge_id)
    mass0 = sp.Symbol(f"m_{{{particle.latex}}}")
    gamma0 = sp.Symbol(fR"\Gamma_{{{particle.latex}}}")
    m_a = sp.Symbol(f"m_{edge_ids[0]}")
    m_b = sp.Symbol(f"m_{edge_ids[1]}")
    angular_momentum = particle.spin  # helicity formalism only!
    meson_radius = sp.Symbol(fR"R_{{{particle.latex}}}")
    return DynamicsExpression(
        parameters=(mass0, gamma0, m_a, m_b, angular_momentum, meson_radius),
            mass, mass0, gamma0, m_a, m_b, angular_momentum, meson_radius

The fact that DynamicsExpression.expression is just a Python function, allows one to inspect the dynamics formulation of these functions independently, purely in terms of SymPy:

m, m0, w0 = sp.symbols(R"m m_0 \Gamma")
evaluated_bw = relativistic_breit_wigner(m, 1.0, 0.3)
sp.plot(sp.Abs(evaluated_bw), (m, 0, 2), axis_center=(0, 0), ylim=(0, 1))
sp.plot(sp.arg(evaluated_bw), (m, 0, 2), axis_center=(0, 0), ylim=(0, sp.pi))
relativistic_breit_wigner(m, m0, w0)
../../_images/composition_14_0.png ../../_images/composition_14_1.png
\[\displaystyle \frac{\Gamma m_{0}}{- i \Gamma m_{0} - m^{2} + m_{0}^{2}}\]

This closes the gap between the code and the theory that is being implemented.

Alternative signature

An alternative way to specify the expression is:

def expression(
    variables: Tuple[sp.Symbol, ...], parameters: Tuple[sp.Symbol, ...]
) -> sp.Expr:

Here, one would however need to unpack the variables and parameters. The advantage is that the signature becomes more general.

Type checking

There is no way to enforce the appropriate signature on the builder function, other than following a Protocol:

class DynamicsBuilder(Protocol):
    def __call__(
        self, graph: StateTransitionGraph, edge_id: int
    ) -> DynamicsExpression:

This DynamicsBuilder protocol would be used in the syntax proposed at Considered solutions.

It carries another subtle problem, though: a Protocol is only used in static type checking, while potential problems with the implementation of the builder and its respective expression only arrise at runtime.