Source code for expertsystem.reaction

"""Definition and solving of particle reaction problems.

This is the core component of the `expertsystem`: it defines the
`.StateTransitionGraph` data structure that represents a specific particle
reaction. The `solving` submodule is responsible for finding solutions for
particle reaction problems.

# pylint: disable=duplicate-code,too-many-lines

import logging
import multiprocessing
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from enum import Enum, auto
from itertools import product
from multiprocessing import Pool
from typing import (

import attr
from tqdm import tqdm

from expertsystem import io
from expertsystem.particle import Particle, ParticleCollection
from expertsystem.reaction.conservation_rules import (

from ._system_control import (
from .combinatorics import (
from .default_settings import (
from .quantum_numbers import (
from .solving import (
from .topology import (

[docs]class SolvingMode(Enum): """Types of modes for solving.""" Fast = auto() """find "likeliest" solutions only""" Full = auto() """find all possible solutions"""
[docs]class Result: """Defines a result of a `.ProblemSet`. Returned by the `.StateTransitionManager` """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__( self, solutions: Optional[ List[StateTransitionGraph[ParticleWithSpin]] ] = None, not_executed_node_rules: Optional[Dict[int, Set[str]]] = None, violated_node_rules: Optional[Dict[int, Set[str]]] = None, not_executed_edge_rules: Optional[Dict[int, Set[str]]] = None, violated_edge_rules: Optional[Dict[int, Set[str]]] = None, formalism_type: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: # pylint: disable=too-many-locals if solutions and (violated_node_rules or violated_edge_rules): raise ValueError( "Invalid Result! Found solutions, but also violated rules." ) self.__formalism_type = formalism_type self.__solutions: List[StateTransitionGraph[ParticleWithSpin]] = list() if solutions is not None: self.__solutions = solutions self.__not_executed_node_rules: Dict[int, Set[str]] = defaultdict(set) if not_executed_node_rules is not None: self.__not_executed_node_rules = not_executed_node_rules self.__violated_node_rules: Dict[int, Set[str]] = defaultdict(set) if violated_node_rules is not None: self.__violated_node_rules = violated_node_rules self.__not_executed_edge_rules: Dict[int, Set[str]] = defaultdict(set) if not_executed_edge_rules is not None: self.__not_executed_edge_rules = not_executed_edge_rules self.__violated_edge_rules: Dict[int, Set[str]] = defaultdict(set) if violated_edge_rules is not None: self.__violated_edge_rules = violated_edge_rules @property def formalism_type(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.__formalism_type @property def solutions(self) -> List[StateTransitionGraph[ParticleWithSpin]]: return self.__solutions @property def not_executed_node_rules(self) -> Dict[int, Set[str]]: return self.__not_executed_node_rules @property def violated_node_rules(self) -> Dict[int, Set[str]]: return self.__violated_node_rules @property def not_executed_edge_rules(self) -> Dict[int, Set[str]]: return self.__not_executed_edge_rules @property def violated_edge_rules(self) -> Dict[int, Set[str]]: return self.__violated_edge_rules
[docs] def extend( self, other_result: "Result", intersect_violations: bool = False ) -> None: if or self.__solutions.extend( self.__not_executed_node_rules.clear() self.__violated_node_rules.clear() self.__not_executed_edge_rules.clear() self.__violated_edge_rules.clear() else: for key, rules in other_result.not_executed_node_rules.items(): self.__not_executed_node_rules[key].update(rules) for key, rules in other_result.not_executed_edge_rules.items(): self.__not_executed_edge_rules[key].update(rules) for key, rules2 in other_result.violated_node_rules.items(): if intersect_violations: self.__violated_node_rules[key] &= rules2 else: self.__violated_node_rules[key].update(rules2) for key, rules2 in other_result.violated_edge_rules.items(): if intersect_violations: self.__violated_edge_rules[key] &= rules2 else: self.__violated_edge_rules[key].update(rules2)
[docs] def get_initial_state(self) -> List[Particle]: graph = self.__get_first_graph() return [ x[0] for x in map( graph.get_edge_props, graph.get_initial_state_edge_ids() ) if x ]
[docs] def get_final_state(self) -> List[Particle]: graph = self.__get_first_graph() return [ x[0] for x in map( graph.get_edge_props, graph.get_final_state_edge_ids() ) if x ]
def __get_first_graph(self) -> StateTransitionGraph[ParticleWithSpin]: if len( == 0: raise ValueError( f"No solutions in {self.__class__.__name__} object" ) return[0]
[docs] def get_intermediate_particles(self) -> ParticleCollection: """Extract the names of the intermediate state particles.""" intermediate_states = ParticleCollection() for graph in for edge_props in map( graph.get_edge_props, graph.get_intermediate_state_edge_ids() ): if edge_props: particle, _ = edge_props if particle not in intermediate_states: intermediate_states.add(particle) return intermediate_states
[docs] def get_particle_graphs(self) -> List[StateTransitionGraph[Particle]]: """Strip `list` of `.StateTransitionGraph` s of the spin projections. Extract a `list` of `.StateTransitionGraph` instances with only particles on the edges. .. seealso:: :doc:`/usage/visualization` """ inventory: List[StateTransitionGraph[Particle]] = list() for graph in if any( [ other, edge_comparator=lambda e1, e2: e1[0] == e2 ) for other in inventory ] ): continue new_edge_props = dict() for edge_id in graph.edges: edge_props = graph.get_edge_props(edge_id) if edge_props: new_edge_props[edge_id] = edge_props[0] inventory.append( StateTransitionGraph[Particle]( topology=Topology( nodes=set(graph.nodes), edges=graph.edges ), node_props={ i: node_props for i, node_props in zip( graph.nodes, map(graph.get_node_props, graph.nodes) ) if node_props }, edge_props=new_edge_props, ) ) inventory = sorted( inventory, key=lambda g: [ g.get_edge_props(i).mass for i in g.get_intermediate_state_edge_ids() ], ) return inventory
[docs] def collapse_graphs( self, ) -> List[StateTransitionGraph[ParticleCollection]]: def merge_into( graph: StateTransitionGraph[Particle], merged_graph: StateTransitionGraph[ParticleCollection], ) -> None: if ( graph.get_intermediate_state_edge_ids() != merged_graph.get_intermediate_state_edge_ids() ): raise ValueError( "Cannot merge graphs that don't have the same edge IDs" ) for i in graph.edges: particle = graph.get_edge_props(i) other_particles = merged_graph.get_edge_props(i) if particle not in other_particles: other_particles += particle def is_same_shape( graph: StateTransitionGraph[Particle], merged_graph: StateTransitionGraph[ParticleCollection], ) -> bool: if graph.edges != merged_graph.edges: return False for edge_id in ( graph.get_initial_state_edge_ids() + graph.get_final_state_edge_ids() ): edge_prop = merged_graph.get_edge_props(edge_id) if len(edge_prop) != 1: return False other_particle = next(iter(edge_prop)) if other_particle != graph.get_edge_props(edge_id): return False return True graphs = self.get_particle_graphs() inventory: List[StateTransitionGraph[ParticleCollection]] = list() for graph in graphs: append_to_inventory = True for merged_graph in inventory: if is_same_shape(graph, merged_graph): merge_into(graph, merged_graph) append_to_inventory = False break if append_to_inventory: new_edge_props = { edge_id: ParticleCollection( {graph.get_edge_props(edge_id)} ) for edge_id in graph.edges } inventory.append( StateTransitionGraph[ParticleCollection]( topology=Topology( nodes=set(graph.nodes), edges=graph.edges ), node_props={ i: graph.get_node_props(i) for i in graph.nodes }, edge_props=new_edge_props, ) ) return inventory
[docs]@attr.s class ProblemSet: """Particle reaction problem set, defined as a graph like data structure. Args: topology: `~.Topology` that contains the structure of the reaction. initial_facts: `~.InitialFacts` that contain the info of initial and final state in connection with the topology. solving_settings: Solving related settings such as the conservation rules and the quantum number domains. """ topology: Topology = attr.ib() initial_facts: InitialFacts = attr.ib() solving_settings: GraphSettings = attr.ib()
def _group_by_strength( problem_sets: List[ProblemSet], ) -> Dict[float, List[ProblemSet]]: def calculate_strength( node_interaction_settings: Dict[int, NodeSettings] ) -> float: strength = 1.0 for int_setting in node_interaction_settings.values(): strength *= int_setting.interaction_strength return strength strength_sorted_problem_sets: Dict[float, List[ProblemSet]] = defaultdict( list ) for problem_set in problem_sets: strength = calculate_strength( problem_set.solving_settings.node_settings ) strength_sorted_problem_sets[strength].append(problem_set) return strength_sorted_problem_sets
[docs]class StateTransitionManager: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Main handler for decay topologies. .. seealso:: :doc:`/usage/workflow` and `generate` """ def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-branches self, initial_state: Sequence[StateDefinition], final_state: Sequence[StateDefinition], particles: Optional[ParticleCollection] = None, allowed_intermediate_particles: Optional[List[str]] = None, interaction_type_settings: Dict[ InteractionTypes, Tuple[EdgeSettings, NodeSettings] ] = None, formalism_type: str = "helicity", topology_building: str = "isobar", number_of_threads: Optional[int] = None, solving_mode: SolvingMode = SolvingMode.Fast, reload_pdg: bool = False, ) -> None: if interaction_type_settings is None: interaction_type_settings = {} allowed_formalism_types = [ "helicity", "canonical-helicity", "canonical", ] if formalism_type not in allowed_formalism_types: raise NotImplementedError( f"Formalism type {formalism_type} not implemented." f" Use {allowed_formalism_types} instead." ) self.__formalism_type = str(formalism_type) self.__particles = ParticleCollection() if particles is not None: self.__particles = particles if number_of_threads is None: self.number_of_threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count() else: self.number_of_threads = int(number_of_threads) self.reaction_mode = str(solving_mode) self.initial_state = initial_state self.final_state = final_state self.interaction_type_settings = interaction_type_settings self.interaction_determinators: List[InteractionDeterminator] = [ LeptonCheck(), GammaCheck(), ] self.final_state_groupings: Optional[List[List[List[str]]]] = None self.allowed_interaction_types: List[InteractionTypes] = [ InteractionTypes.Strong, InteractionTypes.EM, InteractionTypes.Weak, ] self.filter_remove_qns: Set[Type[NodeQuantumNumber]] = set() self.filter_ignore_qns: Set[Type[NodeQuantumNumber]] = set() if formalism_type == "helicity": self.filter_remove_qns = { NodeQuantumNumbers.l_magnitude, NodeQuantumNumbers.l_projection, NodeQuantumNumbers.s_magnitude, NodeQuantumNumbers.s_projection, } if "helicity" in formalism_type: self.filter_ignore_qns = {NodeQuantumNumbers.parity_prefactor} int_nodes = [] use_mass_conservation = True use_nbody_topology = False if topology_building == "isobar": if len(initial_state) == 1: int_nodes.append(InteractionNode("TwoBodyDecay", 1, 2)) else: int_nodes.append( InteractionNode( "NBodyScattering", len(initial_state), len(final_state) ) ) use_nbody_topology = True # turn of mass conservation, in case more than one initial state # particle is present if len(initial_state) > 1: use_mass_conservation = False if not self.interaction_type_settings: self.interaction_type_settings = ( create_default_interaction_settings( formalism_type, nbody_topology=use_nbody_topology, use_mass_conservation=use_mass_conservation, ) ) self.topology_builder = SimpleStateTransitionTopologyBuilder(int_nodes) if reload_pdg or len(self.__particles) == 0: self.__particles = load_default_particles() self.__user_allowed_intermediate_particles = ( allowed_intermediate_particles ) self.__allowed_intermediate_particles: List[ GraphEdgePropertyMap ] = list() if allowed_intermediate_particles is not None: self.set_allowed_intermediate_particles( allowed_intermediate_particles ) else: self.__allowed_intermediate_particles = [ create_edge_properties(x) for x in self.__particles ]
[docs] def set_allowed_intermediate_particles( self, particle_names: List[str] ) -> None: self.__allowed_intermediate_particles = list() for particle_name in particle_names: matches = self.__particles.filter( lambda p: particle_name # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop in ) if len(matches) == 0: raise LookupError( "Could not find any matches for allowed intermediate " f' particle "{particle_name}"' ) self.__allowed_intermediate_particles += [ create_edge_properties(x) for x in matches ]
@property def formalism_type(self) -> str: return self.__formalism_type
[docs] def set_topology_builder( self, topology_builder: SimpleStateTransitionTopologyBuilder ) -> None: self.topology_builder = topology_builder
[docs] def add_final_state_grouping( self, fs_group: List[Union[str, List[str]]] ) -> None: if not isinstance(fs_group, list): raise ValueError( "The final state grouping has to be of type list." ) if len(fs_group) > 0: if self.final_state_groupings is None: self.final_state_groupings = list() if not isinstance(fs_group[0], list): fs_group = [fs_group] # type: ignore self.final_state_groupings.append(fs_group) # type: ignore
[docs] def set_allowed_interaction_types( self, allowed_interaction_types: List[InteractionTypes] ) -> None: # verify order for allowed_types in allowed_interaction_types: if not isinstance(allowed_types, InteractionTypes): raise TypeError( "allowed interaction types must be of type" "[InteractionTypes]" ) if allowed_types not in self.interaction_type_settings: raise ValueError( f"interaction {allowed_types} not found in settings" ) self.allowed_interaction_types = allowed_interaction_types
[docs] def create_problem_sets(self) -> Dict[float, List[ProblemSet]]: topology_graphs = self.__build_topologies() problem_sets = [] for topology in topology_graphs: for initial_facts in self.__create_initial_facts(topology): problem_sets.extend( [ ProblemSet( topology=topology, initial_facts=initial_facts, solving_settings=x, ) for x in self.__determine_graph_settings( topology, initial_facts ) ] ) # create groups of settings ordered by "probability" return _group_by_strength(problem_sets)
def __build_topologies(self) -> List[Topology]: all_graphs = self.topology_builder.build_graphs( len(self.initial_state), len(self.final_state) )"number of topology graphs: {len(all_graphs)}") return all_graphs def __create_initial_facts(self, topology: Topology) -> List[InitialFacts]: initial_facts = create_initial_facts( topology=topology, particles=self.__particles, initial_state=self.initial_state, final_state=self.final_state, final_state_groupings=self.final_state_groupings, )"initialized {len(initial_facts)} graphs!") return initial_facts def __determine_graph_settings( self, topology: Topology, initial_facts: InitialFacts ) -> List[GraphSettings]: # pylint: disable=too-many-locals def create_intermediate_edge_qn_domains() -> Dict: # if a list of intermediate states is given by user, # built a domain based on these states if self.__user_allowed_intermediate_particles: intermediate_edge_domains: Dict[ Type[EdgeQuantumNumber], Set ] = defaultdict(set) intermediate_edge_domains[ EdgeQuantumNumbers.spin_projection ].update( self.interaction_type_settings[InteractionTypes.Weak][ 0 ].qn_domains[EdgeQuantumNumbers.spin_projection] ) for particle_props in self.__allowed_intermediate_particles: for edge_qn, qn_value in particle_props.items(): intermediate_edge_domains[edge_qn].add(qn_value) return dict( { k: list(v) for k, v in intermediate_edge_domains.items() if k is not and k is not EdgeQuantumNumbers.mass and k is not EdgeQuantumNumbers.width } ) return self.interaction_type_settings[InteractionTypes.Weak][ 0 ].qn_domains intermediate_state_edges = topology.get_intermediate_state_edge_ids() int_edge_domains = create_intermediate_edge_qn_domains() def create_edge_settings(edge_id: int) -> EdgeSettings: settings = copy( self.interaction_type_settings[InteractionTypes.Weak][0] ) if edge_id in intermediate_state_edges: settings.qn_domains = int_edge_domains else: settings.qn_domains = {} return settings final_state_edges = topology.get_final_state_edge_ids() initial_state_edges = topology.get_initial_state_edge_ids() graph_settings: List[GraphSettings] = [ GraphSettings( edge_settings={ edge_id: create_edge_settings(edge_id) for edge_id in topology.edges }, node_settings={}, ) ] for node_id in topology.nodes: interaction_types: List[InteractionTypes] = [] out_edge_ids = topology.get_edge_ids_outgoing_from_node(node_id) in_edge_ids = topology.get_edge_ids_outgoing_from_node(node_id) in_edge_props = [ initial_facts.edge_props[edge_id] for edge_id in [ x for x in in_edge_ids if x in initial_state_edges ] ] out_edge_props = [ initial_facts.edge_props[edge_id] for edge_id in [ x for x in out_edge_ids if x in final_state_edges ] ] node_props = InteractionProperties() if node_id in initial_facts.node_props: node_props = initial_facts.node_props[node_id] for int_det in self.interaction_determinators: determined_interactions = int_det.check( in_edge_props, out_edge_props, node_props ) if interaction_types: interaction_types = list( set(determined_interactions) & set(interaction_types) ) else: interaction_types = determined_interactions interaction_types = filter_interaction_types( interaction_types, self.allowed_interaction_types ) logging.debug( "using %s interaction order for node: %s", str(interaction_types), str(node_id), ) temp_graph_settings: List[GraphSettings] = graph_settings graph_settings = [] for temp_setting in temp_graph_settings: for int_type in interaction_types: updated_setting = deepcopy(temp_setting) updated_setting.node_settings[node_id] = deepcopy( self.interaction_type_settings[int_type][1] ) graph_settings.append(updated_setting) return graph_settings
[docs] def find_solutions( self, problem_sets: Dict[float, List[ProblemSet]], ) -> Result: # pylint: disable=too-many-locals """Check for solutions for a specific set of interaction settings.""" results: Dict[float, Result] = {} "Number of interaction settings groups being processed: %d", len(problem_sets), ) total = sum(map(len, problem_sets.values())) progress_bar = tqdm( total=total, desc="Propagating quantum numbers", disable=logging.getLogger().level > logging.WARNING, ) for strength, problems in sorted(problem_sets.items(), reverse=True): "processing interaction settings group with " f"strength {strength}", )"{len(problems)} entries in this group")"running with {self.number_of_threads} threads...") qn_problems = [_convert_to_qn_problem_set(x) for x in problems] # Because of pickling problems of Generic classes (in this case # StateTransitionGraph), multithreaded code has to work with # QNProblemSet's and QNResult's. So the appropriate conversions # have to be done before and after temp_qn_results: List[Tuple[QNProblemSet, QNResult]] = [] if self.number_of_threads > 1: with Pool(self.number_of_threads) as pool: for qn_result in pool.imap_unordered( self._solve, qn_problems, 1 ): temp_qn_results.append(qn_result) progress_bar.update() else: for problem in qn_problems: temp_qn_results.append(self._solve(problem)) progress_bar.update() for temp_qn_result in temp_qn_results: temp_result = self.__convert_result( temp_qn_result[0].topology, temp_qn_result[1], ) if strength not in results: results[strength] = temp_result else: results[strength].extend(temp_result, True) if ( results[strength].solutions and self.reaction_mode == SolvingMode.Fast ): break progress_bar.close() for key, result in results.items(): f"number of solutions for strength ({key}) " f"after qn solving: {len(}", ) final_result = Result() for temp_result in results.values(): final_result.extend(temp_result) # remove duplicate solutions, which only differ in the interaction qns final_solutions = remove_duplicate_solutions(, self.filter_remove_qns, self.filter_ignore_qns, ) if final_solutions: match_external_edges(final_solutions) return Result( final_solutions, final_result.not_executed_node_rules, final_result.violated_node_rules, final_result.not_executed_edge_rules, final_result.violated_edge_rules, formalism_type=self.formalism_type, )
def _solve( self, qn_problem_set: QNProblemSet ) -> Tuple[QNProblemSet, QNResult]: solver = CSPSolver(self.__allowed_intermediate_particles) return (qn_problem_set, solver.find_solutions(qn_problem_set)) def __convert_result( self, topology: Topology, qn_result: QNResult ) -> Result: """Converts a `.QNResult` with a `.Topology` into a `.Result`. The ParticleCollection is used to retrieve a particle instance reference to lower the memory footprint. """ solutions = [] for solution in graph = StateTransitionGraph[ParticleWithSpin]( topology=topology, node_props={ i: create_interaction_properties(x) for i, x in solution.node_quantum_numbers.items() }, edge_props={ i: create_particle(x, self.__particles) for i, x in solution.edge_quantum_numbers.items() }, ) graph.graph_node_properties_comparator = ( CompareGraphNodePropertiesFunctor() ) solutions.append(graph) return Result( solutions=solutions, violated_edge_rules=qn_result.violated_edge_rules, violated_node_rules=qn_result.violated_node_rules, not_executed_node_rules=qn_result.not_executed_node_rules, not_executed_edge_rules=qn_result.not_executed_edge_rules, formalism_type=self.__formalism_type, )
def _convert_to_qn_problem_set( problem_set: ProblemSet, ) -> QNProblemSet: node_props = { k: create_node_properties(v) for k, v in problem_set.initial_facts.node_props.items() } edge_props = { k: create_edge_properties(v[0], v[1]) for k, v in problem_set.initial_facts.edge_props.items() } return QNProblemSet( topology=problem_set.topology, initial_facts=GraphElementProperties( node_props=node_props, edge_props=edge_props ), solving_settings=problem_set.solving_settings, )
[docs]def check_reaction_violations( initial_state: Union[StateDefinition, Sequence[StateDefinition]], final_state: Sequence[StateDefinition], ) -> Set[FrozenSet[str]]: """Determine violated interaction rules for a given particle reaction. .. warning:: This function does only guarantees to find P, C and G parity violations, if it's a two body decay. If all initial and final states have the C/G parity defined, then these violations are also determined correctly. Args: initial_state: Shortform description of the initial state w/o spin projections. final_state: Shortform description of the final state w/o spin projections. Returns: Set of least violating rules. The set can have multiple entries, as several quantum numbers can be violated. Each entry in the frozenset represents a group of rules that together violate all possible quantum number configurations. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals if not isinstance(initial_state, (list, tuple)): initial_state = [initial_state] # type: ignore def _check_violations( facts: InitialFacts, node_rules: Dict[int, Set[Rule]], edge_rules: Dict[int, Set[GraphElementRule]], ) -> QNResult: return validate_full_solution( _convert_to_qn_problem_set( ProblemSet( topology=topology, initial_facts=facts, solving_settings=GraphSettings( node_settings={ i: NodeSettings(conservation_rules=rules) for i, rules in node_rules.items() }, edge_settings={ i: EdgeSettings(conservation_rules=rules) for i, rules in edge_rules.items() }, ), ) ) ) def check_pure_edge_rules() -> None: pure_edge_rules: Set[GraphElementRule] = { gellmann_nishijima, isospin_validity, } edge_check_result = _check_violations( initial_facts[0], node_rules={}, edge_rules={ edge_id: pure_edge_rules for edge_id in topology.get_initial_state_edge_ids() + topology.get_final_state_edge_ids() }, ) if edge_check_result.violated_edge_rules: raise ValueError( f"Some edges violate" f" {edge_check_result.violated_edge_rules.values()}" ) def create_n_body_topology() -> Topology: topology_builder = SimpleStateTransitionTopologyBuilder( [ InteractionNode( "NBodyScattering", len(initial_state), len(final_state) ) ] ) return topology_builder.build_graphs( len(initial_state), len(final_state) )[0] def check_edge_qn_conservation() -> Set[FrozenSet[str]]: """Check if edge quantum numbers are conserved. Those rules give the same results, independent on the node and spin props. Note they are also independent of the topology and hence their results are always correct. """ edge_qn_conservation_rules: Set[Rule] = { BaryonNumberConservation(), BottomnessConservation(), ChargeConservation(), CharmConservation(), ElectronLNConservation(), MuonLNConservation(), StrangenessConservation(), TauLNConservation(), isospin_conservation, } if len(initial_state) == 1: edge_qn_conservation_rules.add(MassConservation(5)) return { frozenset((x,)) for x in _check_violations( initial_facts[0], node_rules={ i: edge_qn_conservation_rules for i in topology.nodes }, edge_rules={}, ).violated_node_rules[node_id] } # Using a n-body topology is enough, to determine the violations reliably # since only certain spin rules require the isobar model. These spin rules # are not required here though. topology = create_n_body_topology() node_id = next(iter(topology.nodes)) initial_facts = create_initial_facts( topology=topology, particles=load_default_particles(), initial_state=initial_state, final_state=final_state, ) check_pure_edge_rules() violations = check_edge_qn_conservation() # Create combinations of graphs for magnitudes of S and L, but only # if it is a two body reaction ls_combinations = [ InteractionProperties(l_magnitude=l_mag, s_magnitude=s_mag) for l_mag, s_mag in product([0, 1], [0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2]) ] initial_facts_list = [] for ls_combi in ls_combinations: for facts_combination in initial_facts: new_facts = attr.evolve( facts_combination, node_props={node_id: ls_combi}, ) initial_facts_list.append(new_facts) # Verify each graph with the interaction rules. # Spin projection rules are skipped as they can only be checked reliably # for a isobar topology (too difficult to solve) conservation_rules: Dict[int, Set[Rule]] = { node_id: { c_parity_conservation, clebsch_gordan_helicity_to_canonical, g_parity_conservation, parity_conservation, spin_magnitude_conservation, identical_particle_symmetrization, } } conservation_rule_violations: List[Set[str]] = [] for facts in initial_facts_list: rule_violations = _check_violations( facts=facts, node_rules=conservation_rules, edge_rules={} ).violated_node_rules[node_id] conservation_rule_violations.append(rule_violations) # first add rules which consistently fail common_ruleset = set(conservation_rule_violations[0]) for rule_set in conservation_rule_violations[1:]: common_ruleset &= rule_set violations.update({frozenset((x,)) for x in common_ruleset}) conservation_rule_violations = [ x - common_ruleset for x in conservation_rule_violations ] # if there is not non-violated graph with the remaining violations then # the collection of violations also violate everything as a group. if all(map(len, conservation_rule_violations)): rule_group: Set[str] = set() for graph_violations in conservation_rule_violations: rule_group.update(graph_violations) violations.add(frozenset(rule_group)) return violations
[docs]def load_default_particles() -> ParticleCollection: """Load the default particle list that comes with the `expertsystem`. Runs `.load_pdg` and supplements its output definitions from the file :download:`additional_particle_definitions.yml </../src/expertsystem/additional_particle_definitions.yml>`. """ particles = io.load_pdg() additional_particles = io.load(DEFAULT_PARTICLE_LIST_PATH) assert isinstance(additional_particles, ParticleCollection) particles.update(additional_particles)"Loaded {len(particles)} particles!") return particles
[docs]def generate( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments initial_state: Union[StateDefinition, Sequence[StateDefinition]], final_state: Sequence[StateDefinition], allowed_intermediate_particles: Optional[List[str]] = None, allowed_interaction_types: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, formalism_type: str = "helicity", particles: Optional[ParticleCollection] = None, topology_building: str = "isobar", number_of_threads: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Result: """Generate allowed transitions between an initial and final state. Serves as a facade to the `.StateTransitionManager` (see :doc:`/usage/workflow`). Arguments: initial_state (list): A list of particle names in the initial state. You can specify spin projections for these particles with a `tuple`, e.g. :code:`("J/psi(1S)", [-1, 0, +1])`. If spin projections are not specified, all projections are taken, so the example here would be equivalent to :code:`"J/psi(1S)"`. final_state (list): Same as :code:`initial_state`, but for final state particles. allowed_intermediate_particles (`list`, optional): A list of particle states that you want to allow as intermediate states. This helps (1) filter out resonances in the eventual `.AmplitudeModel` and (2) speed up computation time. allowed_interaction_types (`str`, optional): Interaction types you want to consider. For instance, both :code:`"strong and EM"` and :code:`["s", "em"]` results in `~.InteractionTypes.EM` and `~.InteractionTypes.Strong`. formalism_type (`str`, optional): Formalism that you intend to use in the eventual `.AmplitudeModel`. particles (`.ParticleCollection`, optional): The particles that you want to be involved in the reaction. Uses `.load_default_particles` by default. It's better to use a subset for larger reactions, because of the computation times. This argument is especially useful when you want to use your own particle definitions (see :doc:`/usage/particles`). topology_building (str): Technique with which to build the `.Topology` instances. Allowed values are: - :code:`"isobar"`: Isobar model (each state decays into two states) - :code:`"nbody"`: Use one central node and connect initial and final states to it number_of_threads (int): Number of cores with which to compute the allowed transitions. Defaults to all cores on the system. An example (where, for illustrative purposes only, we specify all arguments) would be: >>> import expertsystem as es >>> result = es.reaction.generate( ... initial_state="D0", ... final_state=["K~0", "K+", "K-"], ... allowed_intermediate_particles=["a(0)(980)", "a(2)(1320)-"], ... allowed_interaction_types="ew", ... formalism_type="helicity", ..., ... topology_building="isobar", ... ) >>> len( 4 """ if isinstance(initial_state, str) or ( isinstance(initial_state, tuple) and len(initial_state) == 2 and isinstance(initial_state[0], str) ): initial_state = [initial_state] # type: ignore stm = StateTransitionManager( initial_state=initial_state, # type: ignore final_state=final_state, particles=particles, allowed_intermediate_particles=allowed_intermediate_particles, formalism_type=formalism_type, topology_building=topology_building, number_of_threads=number_of_threads, ) if allowed_interaction_types is not None: interaction_types = _determine_interaction_types( allowed_interaction_types ) stm.set_allowed_interaction_types(list(interaction_types)) problem_sets = stm.create_problem_sets() return stm.find_solutions(problem_sets)
def _determine_interaction_types( description: Union[str, List[str]] ) -> Set[InteractionTypes]: interaction_types: Set[InteractionTypes] = set() if isinstance(description, list): for i in description: interaction_types.update( _determine_interaction_types(description=i) ) return interaction_types if not isinstance(description, str): raise ValueError( "Cannot handle interaction description of type " f"{description.__class__.__name__}" ) if len(description) == 0: raise ValueError('Provided an empty interaction name ("")') interaction_name_lower = description.lower() if "all" in interaction_name_lower: for interaction in InteractionTypes: interaction_types.add(interaction) if ( "em" in interaction_name_lower or "ele" in interaction_name_lower or interaction_name_lower.startswith("e") ): interaction_types.add(InteractionTypes.EM) if "w" in interaction_name_lower: interaction_types.add(InteractionTypes.Weak) if "strong" in interaction_name_lower or interaction_name_lower == "s": interaction_types.add(InteractionTypes.Strong) if len(interaction_types) == 0: raise ValueError( f'Could not determine interaction type from "{description}"' ) return interaction_types