Source code for expertsystem.particle

"""A collection of particle info containers.

The `~expertsystem.particle` module is the starting point of the
`expertsystem`. Its main interface is the `ParticleCollection`, which is a
collection of immutable `Particle` instances that are uniquely defined by their
properties. As such, it can be used stand-alone as a database of quantum
numbers (see :doc:`/usage/particle`).

The `.reaction` module uses the properties of `Particle` instances when it
computes which `.StateTransitionGraph` s are allowed between an initial state
and final state.

import logging
import re
from collections import abc
from functools import total_ordering
from math import copysign
from typing import (

import attr
from particle import Particle as PdgDatabase
from particle.particle import enums

[docs]@total_ordering class Parity(abc.Hashable): """Safe, immutable data container for parity.""" def __init__(self, value: Union[float, int, str]) -> None: value = float(value) if value not in [-1.0, +1.0]: raise ValueError(f"Parity can only be +1 or -1, not {value}") self.__value: int = int(value)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if isinstance(other, Parity): return self.__value == other.value return self.__value == other
def __gt__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return self.value > int(other) def __int__(self) -> int: return self.value def __neg__(self) -> "Parity": return Parity(-self.value) def __hash__(self) -> int: return self.__value def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f'{self.__class__.__name__}({"+1" if self.__value > 0 else "-1"})' ) @property def value(self) -> int: return self.__value
[docs]class Spin(abc.Hashable): """Safe, immutable data container for spin **with projection**.""" def __init__(self, magnitude: float, projection: float) -> None: magnitude = float(magnitude) projection = float(projection) if magnitude % 0.5 != 0.0: raise ValueError( f"Spin magnitude {magnitude} has to be a multitude of 0.5" ) if abs(projection) > magnitude: if magnitude < 0.0: raise ValueError( "Spin magnitude has to be positive:\n" f" {magnitude}" ) raise ValueError( "Absolute value of spin projection cannot be larger than its " "magnitude:\n" f" abs({projection}) > {magnitude}" ) if not (projection - magnitude).is_integer(): raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}{(magnitude, projection)}: " "(projection - magnitude) should be integer! " ) if projection == -0.0: projection = 0.0 self.__magnitude = magnitude self.__projection = projection
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if isinstance(other, Spin): return ( self.__magnitude == other.magnitude and self.__projection == other.projection ) return self.__magnitude == other
def __float__(self) -> float: return self.__magnitude def __neg__(self) -> "Spin": return Spin(self.magnitude, -self.projection) def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}{(self.__magnitude, self.__projection)}" ) @property def magnitude(self) -> float: return self.__magnitude @property def projection(self) -> float: return self.__projection def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(repr(self))
[docs]@attr.s(frozen=True, repr=True, kw_only=True) class Particle: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Immutable container of data defining a physical particle. A `Particle` is defined by the minimum set of the quantum numbers that every possible instances of that particle have in common (the "static" quantum numbers of the particle). A "non-static" quantum number is the spin projection. Hence `Particle` instances do **not** contain spin projection information. `Particle` instances are uniquely defined by their quantum numbers and properties like `~Particle.mass`. The `` and `` are therefore just labels that are not taken into account when checking if two `Particle` instances are equal. .. note:: As opposed to classes such as `.EdgeQuantumNumbers` and `.NodeQuantumNumbers`, the `Particle` class serves as an interface to the user (see :doc:`/usage/particle`). """ # Labels name: str = attr.ib(eq=False) pid: int = attr.ib(eq=False) latex: Optional[str] = attr.ib(eq=False, default=None) # Unique properties spin: float = attr.ib() mass: float = attr.ib() width: float = attr.ib(default=0.0) charge: int = attr.ib(default=0) isospin: Optional[Spin] = attr.ib(default=None) strangeness: int = attr.ib(default=0) charmness: int = attr.ib(default=0) bottomness: int = attr.ib(default=0) topness: int = attr.ib(default=0) baryon_number: int = attr.ib(default=0) electron_lepton_number: int = attr.ib(default=0) muon_lepton_number: int = attr.ib(default=0) tau_lepton_number: int = attr.ib(default=0) parity: Optional[Parity] = attr.ib(default=None) c_parity: Optional[Parity] = attr.ib(default=None) g_parity: Optional[Parity] = attr.ib(default=None) @isospin.validator def __check_gellmann_nishijima(self, attribute, value) -> None: # type: ignore # pylint: disable=unused-argument if ( self.isospin is not None and GellmannNishijima.compute_charge(self) != self.charge ): raise ValueError( f"Cannot construct particle {}, because its quantum" " numbers don't agree with the Gell-Mann–Nishijima formula:\n" f" Q[{self.charge}] != " f"Iz[{self.isospin.projection}] + 1/2 " f"(B[{self.baryon_number}] + " f" S[{self.strangeness}] + " f" C[{self.charmness}] +" f" B'[{self.bottomness}] +" f" T[{self.strangeness}]" ")" ) def __neg__(self) -> "Particle": return create_antiparticle(self)
[docs] def is_lepton(self) -> bool: return ( self.electron_lepton_number != 0 or self.muon_lepton_number != 0 or self.tau_lepton_number != 0 )
[docs]class GellmannNishijima: r"""Collection of conversion methods using Gell-Mann–Nishijima. The methods in this class use the `Gell-Mann–Nishijima formula <>`_: .. math:: Q = I_3 + \frac{1}{2}(B+S+C+B'+T) where :math:`Q` is charge (computed), :math:`I_3` is `.Spin.projection` of `~.Particle.isospin`, :math:`B` is `~.Particle.baryon_number`, :math:`S` is `~.Particle.strangeness`, :math:`C` is `~.Particle.charmness`, :math:`B'` is `~.Particle.bottomness`, and :math:`T` is `~.Particle.topness`. """
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_charge(state: Particle) -> Optional[float]: """Compute charge using the Gell-Mann–Nishijima formula. If isospin is not `None`, returns the value :math:`Q`: computed with the `Gell-Mann–Nishijima formula <.GellmannNishijima>`. """ if state.isospin is None: return None computed_charge = state.isospin.projection + 0.5 * ( state.baryon_number + state.strangeness + state.charmness + state.bottomness + state.topness ) return computed_charge
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_isospin_projection( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments charge: float, baryon_number: float, strangeness: float, charmness: float, bottomness: float, topness: float, ) -> float: """Compute isospin projection using the Gell-Mann–Nishijima formula. See `~.GellmannNishijima.compute_charge`, but then computed for :math:`I_3`. """ return charge - 0.5 * ( baryon_number + strangeness + charmness + bottomness + topness )
[docs]class ParticleCollection(abc.MutableSet): """Searchable collection of immutable `.Particle` instances.""" def __init__(self, particles: Optional[Iterable[Particle]] = None) -> None: self.__particles: Dict[str, Particle] = dict() self.__pid_to_name: Dict[int, str] = dict() if particles is not None: self.update(particles) def __contains__(self, instance: object) -> bool: if isinstance(instance, str): return instance in self.__particles if isinstance(instance, Particle): return instance in self.__particles.values() if isinstance(instance, int): return instance in self.__pid_to_name raise NotImplementedError( f"Cannot search for type {instance.__class__.__name__}" )
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if isinstance(other, abc.Iterable): return set(self) == set(other) raise NotImplementedError( f"Cannot compare {self.__class__.__name__} with {self.__class__.__name__}" )
def __getitem__(self, particle_name: str) -> Particle: if particle_name in self.__particles: return self.__particles[particle_name] error_message = ( f'No particle with name "{particle_name} in the database"' ) candidates = self.filter(lambda p: particle_name in if candidates: sorted_by_mass = sorted( (p for p in candidates), key=lambda p: p.mass ) raise KeyError( error_message, "Did you mean one of these?", [ for p in sorted_by_mass], ) raise KeyError(error_message) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Particle]: return self.__particles.values().__iter__() def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.__particles) def __iadd__( self, other: Union[Particle, "ParticleCollection"] ) -> "ParticleCollection": if isinstance(other, Particle): self.add(other) elif isinstance(other, ParticleCollection): self.update(other) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Cannot add {other.__class__.__name__}") return self def __repr__(self) -> str: output = f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" for particle in self: output += f"\n {particle}," output += ")" return output
[docs] def add(self, value: Particle) -> None: if value in self.__particles.values(): equivalent_particles = {p for p in self if p == value} equivalent_particle = next(iter(equivalent_particles)) raise KeyError( "While trying to add particle:", value, "An equivalent definition already exists:", equivalent_particle, ) if in self.__particles: logging.warning(f'Overwriting particle with name "{}"') if in self.__pid_to_name: logging.warning( f'Particle with PID {} already exists: "{self.find(}"' ) self.__particles[] = value self.__pid_to_name[] =
[docs] def discard(self, value: Union[Particle, str]) -> None: particle_name = "" if isinstance(value, Particle): particle_name = elif isinstance(value, str): particle_name = value else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Cannot discard something of type {value.__class__.__name__}" ) del self.__pid_to_name[self[particle_name].pid] del self.__particles[particle_name]
[docs] def find(self, search_term: Union[int, str]) -> Particle: """Search for a particle by either name (`str`) or PID (`int`).""" if isinstance(search_term, str): particle_name = search_term return self.__getitem__(particle_name) if isinstance(search_term, int): if search_term not in self.__pid_to_name: raise KeyError(f"No particle with PID {search_term}") particle_name = self.__pid_to_name[search_term] return self.__getitem__(particle_name) raise NotImplementedError( f"Cannot search for a search term of type {type(search_term)}" )
[docs] def filter( # noqa: A003 self, function: Callable[[Particle], bool] ) -> "ParticleCollection": """Search by `Particle` properties using a :code:`lambda` function. For example: >>> from expertsystem.particle import load_pdg >>> pdg = load_pdg() >>> subset = pdg.filter( ... lambda p: p.mass > 1.8 ... and p.mass < 2.0 ... and p.spin == 2 ... and p.strangeness == 1 ... ) >>> sorted(list(subset.names)) ['K(2)(1820)+', 'K(2)(1820)0'] """ return ParticleCollection( {particle for particle in self if function(particle)} )
[docs] def update(self, other: Iterable[Particle]) -> None: if not isinstance(other, abc.Iterable): raise TypeError( f"Cannot update {self.__class__.__name__} from " f"non-iterable class {self.__class__.__name__}" ) for particle in other: self.add(particle)
@property def names(self) -> Set[str]: return set(self.__particles)
[docs]def create_particle( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals template_particle: Particle, name: Optional[str] = None, latex: Optional[str] = None, pid: Optional[int] = None, mass: Optional[float] = None, width: Optional[float] = None, charge: Optional[int] = None, spin: Optional[float] = None, isospin: Optional[Spin] = None, strangeness: Optional[int] = None, charmness: Optional[int] = None, bottomness: Optional[int] = None, topness: Optional[int] = None, baryon_number: Optional[int] = None, electron_lepton_number: Optional[int] = None, muon_lepton_number: Optional[int] = None, tau_lepton_number: Optional[int] = None, parity: Optional[int] = None, c_parity: Optional[int] = None, g_parity: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Particle: return Particle( name=name if name else, pid=pid if pid else, latex=latex if latex else template_particle.latex, mass=mass if mass is not None else template_particle.mass, width=width if width else template_particle.width, spin=spin if spin else template_particle.spin, charge=charge if charge else template_particle.charge, strangeness=strangeness if strangeness else template_particle.strangeness, charmness=charmness if charmness else template_particle.charmness, bottomness=bottomness if bottomness else template_particle.bottomness, topness=topness if topness else template_particle.topness, baryon_number=baryon_number if baryon_number else template_particle.baryon_number, electron_lepton_number=electron_lepton_number if electron_lepton_number else template_particle.electron_lepton_number, muon_lepton_number=muon_lepton_number if muon_lepton_number else template_particle.muon_lepton_number, tau_lepton_number=tau_lepton_number if tau_lepton_number else template_particle.tau_lepton_number, isospin=template_particle.isospin if isospin is None else template_particle.isospin, parity=template_particle.parity if parity is None else Parity(parity), c_parity=template_particle.c_parity if c_parity is None else Parity(c_parity), g_parity=template_particle.g_parity if g_parity is None else Parity(g_parity), )
[docs]def create_antiparticle( template_particle: Particle, new_name: Optional[str] = None, new_latex: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Particle: isospin: Optional[Spin] = None if template_particle.isospin: isospin = -template_particle.isospin parity: Optional[Parity] = None if template_particle.parity is not None: if template_particle.spin.is_integer(): parity = template_particle.parity else: parity = -template_particle.parity return Particle( name=new_name if new_name else "anti-" +,, latex=new_latex if new_latex else fR"\overline{{{template_particle.latex}}}", mass=template_particle.mass, width=template_particle.width, charge=-template_particle.charge, spin=template_particle.spin, isospin=isospin, strangeness=-template_particle.strangeness, charmness=-template_particle.charmness, bottomness=-template_particle.bottomness, topness=-template_particle.topness, baryon_number=-template_particle.baryon_number, electron_lepton_number=-template_particle.electron_lepton_number, muon_lepton_number=-template_particle.muon_lepton_number, tau_lepton_number=-template_particle.tau_lepton_number, parity=parity, c_parity=template_particle.c_parity, g_parity=template_particle.g_parity, )
[docs]def load_pdg() -> ParticleCollection: """Create a `.ParticleCollection` with all entries from the PDG. PDG info is imported from the `scikit-hep/particle <>`_ package. """ all_pdg_particles = PdgDatabase.findall( lambda item: item.charge is not None and item.charge.is_integer() # remove quarks and item.J is not None # remove new physics and nuclei and abs(item.pdgid) < 1e9 # p and n as nucleus and not in __skip_particles and not (item.mass is None and not"nu")) ) particle_collection = ParticleCollection() for pdg_particle in all_pdg_particles: new_particle = __convert_pdg_instance(pdg_particle) particle_collection.add(new_particle) return particle_collection
__skip_particles = { "K(L)0", # no isospin projection "K(S)0", # no isospin projection "B(s2)*(5840)0", # isospin(0.5, 0.0) ? "B(s2)*(5840)~0", # isospin(0.5, 0.0) ? } def __sign(value: Union[float, int]) -> int: return int(copysign(1, value)) # cspell:ignore pdgid def __convert_pdg_instance(pdg_particle: PdgDatabase) -> Particle: def convert_mass_width(value: Optional[float]) -> float: if value is None: return 0.0 return ( # float(value) / 1e3 ) if pdg_particle.charge is None: raise ValueError(f"PDG instance has no charge:\n{pdg_particle}") quark_numbers = __compute_quark_numbers(pdg_particle) lepton_numbers = __compute_lepton_numbers(pdg_particle) if pdg_particle.pdgid.is_lepton: # convention: C(fermion)=+1 parity: Optional[Parity] = Parity(__sign(pdg_particle.pdgid)) # type: ignore else: parity = __create_parity(pdg_particle.P) latex = None if pdg_particle.latex_name != "Unknown": latex = str(pdg_particle.latex_name) return Particle( name=str(, latex=latex, pid=int(pdg_particle.pdgid), mass=convert_mass_width(pdg_particle.mass), width=convert_mass_width(pdg_particle.width), charge=int(pdg_particle.charge), spin=float(pdg_particle.J), strangeness=quark_numbers[0], charmness=quark_numbers[1], bottomness=quark_numbers[2], topness=quark_numbers[3], baryon_number=__compute_baryonnumber(pdg_particle), electron_lepton_number=lepton_numbers[0], muon_lepton_number=lepton_numbers[1], tau_lepton_number=lepton_numbers[2], isospin=__create_isospin(pdg_particle), parity=parity, c_parity=__create_parity(pdg_particle.C), g_parity=__create_parity(pdg_particle.G), ) def __compute_quark_numbers( pdg_particle: PdgDatabase, ) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]: strangeness = 0 charmness = 0 bottomness = 0 topness = 0 if pdg_particle.pdgid.is_hadron: quark_content = __filter_quark_content(pdg_particle) strangeness = quark_content.count("S") - quark_content.count("s") charmness = quark_content.count("c") - quark_content.count("C") bottomness = quark_content.count("B") - quark_content.count("b") topness = quark_content.count("t") - quark_content.count("T") return ( strangeness, charmness, bottomness, topness, ) def __compute_lepton_numbers( pdg_particle: PdgDatabase, ) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: electron_lepton_number = 0 muon_lepton_number = 0 tau_lepton_number = 0 if pdg_particle.pdgid.is_lepton: lepton_number = int(__sign(pdg_particle.pdgid)) if "e" in electron_lepton_number = lepton_number elif "mu" in muon_lepton_number = lepton_number elif "tau" in tau_lepton_number = lepton_number return electron_lepton_number, muon_lepton_number, tau_lepton_number def __compute_baryonnumber(pdg_particle: PdgDatabase) -> int: return int(__sign(pdg_particle.pdgid) * pdg_particle.pdgid.is_baryon) def __create_isospin(pdg_particle: PdgDatabase) -> Optional[Spin]: if pdg_particle.I is None: return None magnitude = pdg_particle.I projection = __compute_isospin_projection(pdg_particle) return Spin(magnitude, projection) def __compute_isospin_projection(pdg_particle: PdgDatabase) -> float: if pdg_particle.charge is None: raise ValueError(f"PDG instance has no charge:\n{pdg_particle}") if "qq" in pdg_particle.quarks.lower(): strangeness, charmness, bottomness, topness = __compute_quark_numbers( pdg_particle ) baryon_number = __compute_baryonnumber(pdg_particle) projection = GellmannNishijima.compute_isospin_projection( charge=pdg_particle.charge, baryon_number=baryon_number, strangeness=strangeness, charmness=charmness, bottomness=bottomness, topness=topness, ) else: projection = 0.0 if pdg_particle.pdgid.is_hadron: quark_content = __filter_quark_content(pdg_particle) projection += quark_content.count("u") + quark_content.count("D") projection -= quark_content.count("U") + quark_content.count("d") projection *= 0.5 if ( pdg_particle.I is not None and not (pdg_particle.I - projection).is_integer() ): raise ValueError(f"Cannot have isospin {(pdg_particle.I, projection)}") return projection def __filter_quark_content(pdg_particle: PdgDatabase) -> str: matches ="([dDuUsScCbBtT+-]{2,})", pdg_particle.quarks) if matches is None: return "" return matches[1] def __create_parity(parity_enum: enums.Parity) -> Optional[Parity]: if parity_enum is None or parity_enum == enums.Parity.u: return None if parity_enum == getattr(parity_enum, "o", None): # particle < 0.14 return None return Parity(parity_enum)