Particle database

In PWA, you usually want to search for special resonances, possibly even some not listed in the PDG. In this notebook, we go through a few ways to add or overwrite Particle instances in the database with your own particle definitions.

Loading the default database

In Generate transitions, we made use of the StateTransitionManager. By default, if you do not specify the particles argument, the StateTransitionManager calls the function load_default_particles(). This functions returns a ParticleCollection instance with Particle definitions from the PDG, along with additional definitions that are provided in the file additional_definitions.yml.

Here, we call this method directly to illustrate what happens (we use load_pdg(), which loads a subset):

from expertsystem.particle import load_pdg

particle_db = load_pdg()
print("Number of loaded particles:", len(particle_db))
Number of loaded particles: 519

In the following, we illustrate how to use the methods of the ParticleCollection class to find and ‘modify’ Particles and add() them back to the ParticleCollection.

Finding particles

The ParticleCollection class offers some methods to search for particles by name or by PID (see find()):

Particle(name='phi(1020)', pid=333, latex='\\phi(1020)', spin=1.0, mass=1.019461, width=0.004248999999999999, charge=0, isospin=Spin(0.0, 0.0), strangeness=0, charmness=0, bottomness=0, topness=0, baryon_number=0, electron_lepton_number=0, muon_lepton_number=0, tau_lepton_number=0, parity=Parity(-1), c_parity=Parity(-1), g_parity=Parity(-1))

With filter(), you can perform more sophisticated searches. This is done by either passing a function or lambda.

subset = particle_db.filter(lambda p:"f(2)"))
subset = particle_db.filter(
    lambda p: p.strangeness == 1
    and p.spin >= 1
    and p.mass > 1.8
    and p.mass < 1.9
subset = particle_db.filter(lambda p: p.is_lepton())

Note that in each of these examples, we call the names property. This is just to only display the names, sorted alphabetically, otherwise the output becomes a bit of a mess:

particle_db.filter(lambda p:"pi") and len( == 3)
    Particle(name='pi0', pid=111, latex='\\pi^{0}', spin=0.0, mass=0.1349768, width=7.73e-09, charge=0, isospin=Spin(1.0, 0.0), strangeness=0, charmness=0, bottomness=0, topness=0, baryon_number=0, electron_lepton_number=0, muon_lepton_number=0, tau_lepton_number=0, parity=Parity(-1), c_parity=Parity(+1), g_parity=Parity(-1)),
    Particle(name='pi+', pid=211, latex='\\pi^{+}', spin=0.0, mass=0.13957039000000002, width=2.5284e-17, charge=1, isospin=Spin(1.0, 1.0), strangeness=0, charmness=0, bottomness=0, topness=0, baryon_number=0, electron_lepton_number=0, muon_lepton_number=0, tau_lepton_number=0, parity=Parity(-1), c_parity=None, g_parity=Parity(-1)),
    Particle(name='pi-', pid=-211, latex='\\pi^{-}', spin=0.0, mass=0.13957039000000002, width=2.5284e-17, charge=-1, isospin=Spin(1.0, -1.0), strangeness=0, charmness=0, bottomness=0, topness=0, baryon_number=0, electron_lepton_number=0, muon_lepton_number=0, tau_lepton_number=0, parity=Parity(-1), c_parity=None, g_parity=Parity(-1)),)

LaTeX representation

Particles also contain a latex tag. Here, we use ipython to render them nicely as mathematical symbols:

from IPython.display import Math

sigmas = particle_db.filter(
    lambda p:"Sigma") and p.charmness == 1
Math(", ".join([p.latex for p in sigmas]))
\[\displaystyle \Sigma_{c}(2520)^{0}, \Sigma_{c}(2520)^{+}, \Sigma_{c}(2520)^{++}, \Sigma_{c}(2455)^{+}, \Sigma_{c}(2455)^{++}, \Sigma_{c}^{0}\]

Adding custom particle definitions through Python

A quick way to modify or overwrite particles, is through your Python script or notebook. Notice that the instances in the database are Particle instances:

N1650_plus = particle_db["N(1650)+"]
Particle(name='N(1650)+', pid=32212, latex='N(1650)^{+}', spin=0.5, mass=1.65, width=0.125, charge=1, isospin=Spin(0.5, 0.5), strangeness=0, charmness=0, bottomness=0, topness=0, baryon_number=1, electron_lepton_number=0, muon_lepton_number=0, tau_lepton_number=0, parity=Parity(-1), c_parity=None, g_parity=None)

The instances in the database are immutable. Therefore, if you want to modify, say, the width, you have to create a new Particle instance from the particle you want to modify and add() it back to the database. You can do this with create_particle():

from expertsystem.particle import create_particle

new_N1650_plus = create_particle(
    template_particle=N1650_plus, name="Modified N(1650)+", width=0.2

particle_db["Modified N(1650)+"].width

You often also want to add the antiparticle of the particle you modified to the database. Using create_antiparticle(), it is easy to create the corresponding antiparticle object.

from expertsystem.particle import create_antiparticle

new_N1650_minus = create_antiparticle(
    new_N1650_plus, new_name="Modified N(1650)-"

particle_db["Modified N(1650)-"]
Particle(name='Modified N(1650)-', pid=-32212, latex='\\overline{N(1650)^{+}}', spin=0.5, mass=1.65, width=0.2, charge=-1, isospin=Spin(0.5, -0.5), strangeness=0, charmness=0, bottomness=0, topness=0, baryon_number=-1, electron_lepton_number=0, muon_lepton_number=0, tau_lepton_number=0, parity=Parity(+1), c_parity=None, g_parity=None)

When adding additional particles you may need for your research, it is easiest to work with an existing particle as template. Let’s say we want to study \(e^+e^-\) collisions of several energies:

energies_mev = {4180, 4220, 4420, 4600}
template_particle = particle_db["J/psi(1S)"]
for energy_mev in energies_mev:
    energy_gev = energy_mev / 1e3
    new_particle = create_particle(
        template_particle, name=f"EpEm ({energy_mev} MeV)", mass=energy_gev
particle_db.filter(lambda p: "EpEm" in
{'EpEm (4180 MeV)', 'EpEm (4220 MeV)', 'EpEm (4420 MeV)', 'EpEm (4600 MeV)'}

Loading custom definitions from a YAML file

It’s also possible to add particles from a config file, with io.load(). Existing entries remain and if the imported file of particle definitions contains a particle with the same name, it is overwritten in the database.

It’s easiest to work with YAML. Here, we use the provided additional_particles.yml example file:

from expertsystem import io

particle_db += io.load("additional_particles.yml")

Writing to YAML

You can also dump the existing particle lists to YAML. You do this with the io.write() function.

io.write(instance=particle_db, filename="dumped_particle_list.yaml")

Note that the function write can dump any ParticleCollection to an output file, also a specific subset.

from expertsystem.particle import ParticleCollection

output = ParticleCollection()
output += particle_db["J/psi(1S)"]
output += particle_db.find(22)  # gamma
output += particle_db.filter(lambda p:"f(0)"))
output += particle_db["pi0"]
output += particle_db["pi+"]
output += particle_db["pi-"]
io.write(output, "particle_list_selection.yml")

As a side note, the expertsystem provides JSON schemas (particle/validation.json) to validate your particle list files (see also jsonschema.validate()). If you have installed the expertsystem as an Editable installation and use VSCode, your YAML particle list are checked automatically in the GUI.