Source code for expertsystem.amplitude.kinematics

# cspell:ignore einsum
"""Kinematics of an amplitude model in the helicity formalism."""

import textwrap
from typing import Dict, Mapping, Set, Tuple

import attr
import numpy as np
from attr.validators import instance_of

from import asdot
from expertsystem.reaction.particle import Particle, ParticleWithSpin
from expertsystem.reaction.topology import (

from ._graph_info import assert_isobar_topology, determine_attached_final_state
from .data import (

[docs]@attr.s(frozen=True) class ReactionInfo: initial_state: FrozenDict[int, Particle] = attr.ib(converter=FrozenDict) final_state: FrozenDict[int, Particle] = attr.ib(converter=FrozenDict) def __attrs_post_init__(self) -> None: initial_state_ids = set(self.initial_state) final_state_ids = set(self.final_state) if initial_state_ids & final_state_ids: raise ValueError( f"Initial state IDs {initial_state_ids} overlap" f" with final state IDs {final_state_ids}" ) particles = { *self.initial_state.values(), *self.final_state.values(), } if not all(map(lambda p: isinstance(p, Particle), particles)): raise ValueError( f"Not all items in state ID mappings are {Particle.__name__}" )
[docs] @staticmethod def from_graph( graph: StateTransitionGraph[ParticleWithSpin], ) -> "ReactionInfo": return ReactionInfo( initial_state={ i: graph.get_edge_props(i)[0] for i in graph.topology.incoming_edge_ids }, final_state={ i: graph.get_edge_props(i)[0] for i in graph.topology.outgoing_edge_ids }, )
[docs]@attr.s(on_setattr=attr.setters.frozen) class HelicityAdapter: r"""Converter for four-momenta to kinematic variable data. The `.transform` method forms the bridge between four-momentum data for the decay you are studying and the kinematic variables that are in the `.HelicityModel`. These are invariant mass and the :math:`\theta` and :math:`\phi` helicity angles. """ reaction_info: ReactionInfo = attr.ib(validator=instance_of(ReactionInfo)) registered_topologies: Set[Topology] = attr.ib( factory=set, init=False, repr=False )
[docs] def register_transition( self, transition: StateTransitionGraph[ParticleWithSpin] ) -> None: reaction_info = ReactionInfo.from_graph(transition) if reaction_info != self.reaction_info: raise ValueError( "Transition has different initial and final states", reaction_info, self.reaction_info, ) self.register_topology(transition.topology)
[docs] def register_topology(self, topology: Topology) -> None: assert_isobar_topology(topology) if len(self.registered_topologies) == 0: object.__setattr__( self, "final_state_ids", tuple(sorted(topology.outgoing_edge_ids)), ) if len(topology.incoming_edge_ids) != 1: raise ValueError( f"Topology has {len(topology.incoming_edge_ids)} incoming" " edges, so is not isobar" ) if len(self.registered_topologies) != 0: existing_topology = next(iter(self.registered_topologies)) if ( ( topology.incoming_edge_ids != existing_topology.incoming_edge_ids ) or ( topology.outgoing_edge_ids != existing_topology.outgoing_edge_ids ) or ( topology.outgoing_edge_ids != existing_topology.outgoing_edge_ids ) or (topology.nodes != existing_topology.nodes) ): raise ValueError("Edge or node IDs of topology do not match") self.registered_topologies.add(topology)
[docs] def transform(self, events: EventCollection) -> DataSet: output: Dict[str, ScalarSequence] = {} for topology in self.registered_topologies: output.update(_compute_helicity_angles(events, topology)) output.update(_compute_invariant_masses(events, topology)) return DataSet(output)
[docs]def get_helicity_angle_label( topology: Topology, edge_id: int ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Generate labels that can be used to identify helicity angles. >>> from expertsystem.amplitude.kinematics import get_helicity_angle_label >>> from expertsystem.reaction.topology import create_isobar_topologies >>> topologies = create_isobar_topologies(5) >>> topology = topologies[0] >>> for i in topology.intermediate_edge_ids | topology.outgoing_edge_ids: ... phi_label, theta_label = get_helicity_angle_label(topology, i) ... print(f"{i}: '{phi_label}'") 0: 'phi_0,0+3+4' 1: 'phi_1,1+2' 2: 'phi_2,1+2' 3: 'phi_3,3+4,0+3+4' 4: 'phi_4,3+4,0+3+4' 5: 'phi_0+3+4' 6: 'phi_1+2' 7: 'phi_3+4,0+3+4' >>> topology = topologies[1] >>> for i in topology.intermediate_edge_ids | topology.outgoing_edge_ids: ... phi_label, theta_label = get_helicity_angle_label(topology, i) ... print(f"{i}: '{phi_label}'") 0: 'phi_0,0+1' 1: 'phi_1,0+1' 2: 'phi_2,2+3+4' 3: 'phi_3,3+4,2+3+4' 4: 'phi_4,3+4,2+3+4' 5: 'phi_0+1' 6: 'phi_2+3+4' 7: 'phi_3+4,2+3+4' """ assert_isobar_topology(topology) def recursive_label(topology: Topology, edge_id: int) -> str: edge = topology.edges[edge_id] if edge.ending_node_id is None: label = f"{edge_id}" else: attached_final_state_ids = determine_attached_final_state( topology, edge_id ) label = "+".join(map(str, attached_final_state_ids)) if edge.originating_node_id is not None: in_edges = topology.get_edge_ids_ingoing_to_node( edge.originating_node_id ) in_edge_id = next(iter(in_edges)) if in_edge_id not in topology.incoming_edge_ids: label += f",{recursive_label(topology, in_edge_id)}" return label label = recursive_label(topology, edge_id) return f"phi_{label}", f"theta_{label}"
assert get_helicity_angle_label.__doc__ is not None get_helicity_angle_label.__doc__ += f""" .. panels:: :body: text-center .. graphviz:: {textwrap.indent(asdot(create_isobar_topologies(5)[0]), ' ')} :code:`topologies[0]` --- .. graphviz:: {textwrap.indent(asdot(create_isobar_topologies(5)[1]), ' ')} :code:`topologies[1]` """
[docs]def get_invariant_mass_label(topology: Topology, edge_id: int) -> str: final_state_ids = determine_attached_final_state(topology, edge_id) return f"m_{''.join(map(str, sorted(final_state_ids)))}"
def _compute_helicity_angles( # pylint: disable=too-many-locals events: EventCollection, topology: Topology ) -> DataSet: if topology.outgoing_edge_ids != set(events): raise ValueError( f"Momentum IDs {set(events)} do not match " f"final state edge IDs {set(topology.outgoing_edge_ids)}" ) def __recursive_helicity_angles( # pylint: disable=too-many-locals events: EventCollection, node_id: int ) -> DataSet: helicity_angles: Dict[str, ScalarSequence] = {} child_edge_ids = sorted( topology.get_edge_ids_outgoing_from_node(node_id) ) if all( topology.edges[i].ending_node_id is None for i in child_edge_ids ): edge_id = child_edge_ids[0] four_momentum = events[edge_id] phi_label, theta_label = get_helicity_angle_label( topology, edge_id ) helicity_angles[phi_label] = four_momentum.phi() helicity_angles[theta_label] = four_momentum.theta() for edge_id in child_edge_ids: edge = topology.edges[edge_id] if edge.ending_node_id is not None: # recursively determine all momenta ids in the list sub_momenta_ids = determine_attached_final_state( topology, edge_id ) if len(sub_momenta_ids) > 1: # add all of these momenta together -> defines new subsystem four_momentum = events.sum(sub_momenta_ids) # boost all of those momenta into this new subsystem phi = four_momentum.phi() theta = four_momentum.theta() p3_norm = four_momentum.p_norm() beta = ScalarSequence(p3_norm / new_momentum_pool = EventCollection( { k: _get_boost_z_matrix(beta).dot( _get_rotation_matrix_y(-theta).dot( _get_rotation_matrix_z(-phi).dot(v) ) ) for k, v in events.items() if k in sub_momenta_ids } ) # register current angle variables phi_label, theta_label = get_helicity_angle_label( topology, edge_id ) helicity_angles[phi_label] = four_momentum.phi() helicity_angles[theta_label] = four_momentum.theta() # call next recursion angles = __recursive_helicity_angles( new_momentum_pool, edge.ending_node_id, ) helicity_angles.update(angles) return DataSet(helicity_angles) initial_state_id = next(iter(topology.incoming_edge_ids)) initial_state_edge = topology.edges[initial_state_id] assert initial_state_edge.ending_node_id is not None return __recursive_helicity_angles( events, initial_state_edge.ending_node_id ) def _get_boost_z_matrix(beta: ScalarSequence) -> MatrixSequence: n_events = len(beta) gamma = 1 / np.sqrt(1 - beta ** 2) zeros = np.zeros(n_events) ones = np.ones(n_events) return MatrixSequence( np.array( [ [gamma, zeros, zeros, -gamma * beta], [zeros, ones, zeros, zeros], [zeros, zeros, ones, zeros], [-gamma * beta, zeros, zeros, gamma], ] ).transpose(2, 0, 1) ) def _get_rotation_matrix_z(angle: ScalarSequence) -> MatrixSequence: n_events = len(angle) zeros = np.zeros(n_events) ones = np.ones(n_events) return MatrixSequence( np.array( [ [ones, zeros, zeros, zeros], [zeros, np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle), zeros], [zeros, np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle), zeros], [zeros, zeros, zeros, ones], ] ).transpose(2, 0, 1) ) def _get_rotation_matrix_y(angle: ScalarSequence) -> MatrixSequence: n_events = len(angle) zeros = np.zeros(n_events) ones = np.ones(n_events) return MatrixSequence( np.array( [ [ones, zeros, zeros, zeros], [zeros, np.cos(angle), zeros, np.sin(angle)], [zeros, zeros, ones, zeros], [zeros, -np.sin(angle), zeros, np.cos(angle)], ] ).transpose(2, 0, 1) ) def _compute_invariant_masses( events: Mapping[int, FourMomentumSequence], topology: Topology ) -> DataSet: """Compute the invariant masses for all final state combinations.""" if topology.outgoing_edge_ids != set(events): raise ValueError( f"Momentum IDs {set(events)} do not match " f"final state edge IDs {set(topology.outgoing_edge_ids)}" ) invariant_masses = {} for edge_id in topology.edges: attached_edge_ids = determine_attached_final_state(topology, edge_id) total_momentum = FourMomentumSequence( sum(events[i] for i in attached_edge_ids) # type: ignore ) values = total_momentum.mass() name = get_invariant_mass_label(topology, edge_id) invariant_masses[name] = values return DataSet(invariant_masses)