How to contribute?


Bugs can be reported here. Also, please do have a look at the ‘good first issues’ page: they are nice challenges to get into the find your way around the source code! ;)

If you have installed the expertsystem in Development mode, it is easy to tweak the source code and try out new ideas immediately, because the source code is considered the ‘installation’.


The easiest way to contribute, is by using Conda and Visual Studio code. In that case, the complete developer install procedure becomes:

git clone
cd expertsystem
conda env create
conda activate es
pip install -e .[dev]
code .  # open folder in VSCode

For more info, see Visual Studio code.

Automated style checks

When working on the source code of the expertsystem, it is highly recommended to install certain additional Python tools. Assuming you installed the expertsystem in development mode, these additional tools can be installed into your virtual environment in one go:

pip install -e .[dev]

Most of the tools that are installed with this command use specific configuration files (e.g. pyproject.toml for black, .pylintrc for pylint, and tox.ini for flake8 and pydocstyle). These config files define our convention policies, such as PEP 8. If you run into persistent linting errors, this may mean we need to further specify our conventions. In that case, it’s best to create an issue and propose a policy change that can then be formulated in the config files.


All style checks are enforced through a tool called pre-commit. This tool needs to be activated, but only once, after you clone the repository:

pre-commit install

Upon committing, pre-commit now runs a set of checks as defined in the file .pre-commit-config.yaml over all staged files. You can also quickly run all checks over all indexed files in the repository with the command:

pre-commit run -a

This command is also run on GitHub actions whenever you submit a pull request, ensuring that all files in the repository follow the conventions set in the config files of these tools.


More thorough checks (that is, runtime tests) can be run in one go with the command


This command will run pytest, check for test coverage, build the documentation, and verify cross-references in the documentation and the API. It’s especially recommended to run tox before submitting a pull request!

More specialized tox tests are defined in the tox.ini file, under each testenv.

Try to keep test coverage high. You can compute current coverage by running

pytest \
  --cov-report=html \
  --cov-report=xml \

and opening htmlcov/index.html in a browser. In VScode, you can visualize which lines in the code base are covered by tests with the Coverage Gutters extension (for this you need to run pytest with the flag --cov-report=xml).


To get an idea of performance per component, run pytest --profile-svg and check the stats and the prof/combined.svg output file.


The documentation that you find on are built from the documentation source code folder (doc) with Sphinx. Sphinx also builds the API and therefore checks whether the docstrings in the Python source code are valid and correctly interlinked.

You can quickly build the documentation from the root directory of this repository with the command:

tox -e doc

Alternatively, you can run sphinx-build yourself as follows:

cd doc
make html  # or NBSPHINX_EXECUTE= make html

A nice feature of Read the Docs, where we host our documentation, is that documentation is built for each pull request as well. This means that you can view the documentation for your changes as well. For more info, see here, or just click “details” under the RTD check once you submit your PR.

Jupyter Notebooks

The examples folder contains a few notebooks that illustrate how to use the expertsystem. These notebooks are also available on the Usage page and are run and tested whenever you make a pull request. As such, they serve both as up-to-date documentation and as tests of the interface.

If you want to improve those notebooks, we recommend working with Jupyter Lab, which is installed with the dev requirements of the expertsystem. Jupyter Lab offers a nicer developer experience than the default Jupyter notebook editor does. In addition, recommend to install a few extensions:

jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-execute-time
jupyter labextension install @ijmbarr/jupyterlab_spellchecker
jupyter labextension install @aquirdturtle/collapsible_headings
jupyter labextension install @ryantam626/jupyterlab_code_formatter

jupyter serverextension enable --py jupyterlab_code_formatter

Now, if you want to test all notebooks in the examples folder and check how they will look like in the Documentation, you can do this with:

tox -e docnb

This command takes more time than tox -e doc, but it is good practice to do this before you submit a pull request.


Sometimes it happens that your Jupyter installation does not recognize your virtual environment. In that case, have a look at these instructions.


Throughout this repository, we follow American English (en-us) spelling conventions. As a tool, we use cSpell because it allows to check variable names in camel case and snake case. This way, a spelling checker helps you in avoid mistakes in the code as well!

Accepted words are tracked through the cspell.json file. As with the other config files, cspell.json formulates our conventions with regard to spelling and can be continuously updated while our code base develops. In the file, the words section lists words that you want to see as suggested corrections, while ignoreWords are just the words that won’t be flagged. Try to be sparse in adding words: if some word is just specific to one file, you can ignore it inline, or you can add the file to the ignorePaths section if you want to ignore it completely.

It is easiest to use cSpell in Visual Studio code, through the Code Spell Checker extension: it provides linting, suggests corrections from the words section, and enables you to quickly add or ignore words through the cspell.json file. Alternatively, you can run cSpell on the entire code base (with cspell $(git ls-files)), but for that your system requires npm.

Git and GitHub

The expertsystem source code is maintained with Git and published through GitHub. We keep track of issues with the code, documentation, and developer set-up with GitHub issues (see overview here). This is also the place where you can report bugs.

Issue management

We keep track of issue dependencies, time estimates, planning, pipeline statuses, et cetera with ZenHub. You can use your GitHub account to log in there and automatically get access to the expertsystem issue board once you are part of the ComPWA organization.

Publicly available are:

  • Issue labels: help to categorize issues by type (maintenance, enhancement, bug, etc.).

  • Milestones: way to bundle issues for upcoming releases.

Commit conventions

  • Please use conventional commit messages: start the commit with a semantic keyword (see e.g. Angular or these examples, followed by a column, then the message. The message itself should be in imperative mood — just imagine the commit to give a command to the code framework. So for instance: feat: add coverage report tools or fix: remove ....

  • Keep pull requests small. If the issue you try to address is too big, discuss in the team whether the issue can be converted into an Epic and split up into smaller tasks.

  • Before creating a pull request, run tox. See also Testing.

  • Also use a conventional commit message style for the PR title. This is because we follow a linear commit history and the PR title will become the eventual commit message. Note that a conventional commit message style is enforced through GitHub Actions, as well as PR labels.

  • PRs can only be merged through ‘squash and merge’. There, you will see a summary based on the separate commits that constitute this PR. Leave the relevant commits in as bullet points. See the commit history for examples. This comes in especially handy when drafting a release!

Milestones and releases

An overview of the expertsystem package releases can be found on PyPI history page. More descriptive release notes can be found on the release page.

New releases are automatically published to PyPI when a new tag is created (see setuptools-scm). When creating new release notes, try to follow the style of previous releases and summarize the changes since the last release. This can be easily seen from the linear commit history <contribute:Git commit conventions of the master branch (see Commit conventions, use git log).

Continuous Integration

All style checks, testing of the documentation and links, and unit tests are performed upon each pull request through GitHub Actions (see status overview here). All checks performed for each PR have to pass before the PR can be merged.

Visual Studio code

We recommend using Visual Studio Code as it’s free, regularly updated, and very flexible through it’s wide offer of user extensions.

If you add or open this repository as a VSCode workspace, the file .vscode/settings.json will ensure that you have the right developer settings for this repository. In addition, VSCode will automatically recommend you to install a number of extensions that we use when working on this code base (they are defined .vscode/extensions.json file).

You can still specify your own settings in either the user or encompassing workspace settings, as the VSCode settings that come with this are folder settings.