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Visualize decay topologies

The module allows you to convert a StateTransitionGraph to DOT language, which you can then visualize with third-party libraries such as Graphviz. This is particularly useful after running find_solutions, which produces a list of StateTransitionGraph instances (see the Quickstart: Create an amplitude model).

First, we quickly create some dummy solutions. We’re not interested in the propagate process, so we decrease the logging level as well

import logging

from expertsystem.amplitude.helicity_decay import HelicityAmplitudeGenerator
from expertsystem.ui import InteractionTypes, StateTransitionManager

stm = StateTransitionManager(
    initial_state=[("J/psi(1S)", [-1, 1])],
    final_state=["gamma", "pi0", "pi0"],
    allowed_intermediate_particles=["f(0)(980)", "f(0)(1500)",],
graph_interaction_settings_groups = stm.prepare_graphs()
solutions, _ = stm.find_solutions(graph_interaction_settings_groups)

Now, we use the convert_to_dot function to create a str of DOT language for the list of solutions (StateTransitionGraph instances):

from expertsystem import io

dot_source =

This str can then be visualized with a third-party library, for instance, with graphviz.Source:

import graphviz



graphviz requires your system to have DOT installed, see Installation.

You can also serialize the DOT string to file with io.write. The file extension for a DOT file is .gv:

io.write(instance=solutions, filename="decay_topologies.gv")